类 BeanWiringInfo

    • 构造器详细资料

      • BeanWiringInfo

        public BeanWiringInfo()
        Create a default BeanWiringInfo that suggests plain initialization of factory and post-processor callbacks that the bean class may expect.
      • BeanWiringInfo

        public BeanWiringInfo​(String beanName)
        Create a new BeanWiringInfo that points to the given bean name.
        beanName - the name of the bean definition to take the property values from
        IllegalArgumentException - if the supplied beanName is null, is empty, or consists wholly of whitespace
      • BeanWiringInfo

        public BeanWiringInfo​(String beanName,
                              boolean isDefaultBeanName)
        Create a new BeanWiringInfo that points to the given bean name.
        beanName - the name of the bean definition to take the property values from
        isDefaultBeanName - whether the given bean name is a suggested default bean name, not necessarily matching an actual bean definition
        IllegalArgumentException - if the supplied beanName is null, is empty, or consists wholly of whitespace
    • 方法详细资料

      • indicatesAutowiring

        public boolean indicatesAutowiring()
        Return whether this BeanWiringInfo indicates autowiring.
      • getBeanName

        public String getBeanName()
        Return the specific bean name that this BeanWiringInfo points to, if any.
      • isDefaultBeanName

        public boolean isDefaultBeanName()
        Return whether the specific bean name is a suggested default bean name, not necessarily matching an actual bean definition in the factory.
      • getDependencyCheck

        public boolean getDependencyCheck()
        Return whether to perform a dependency check for object references in the bean instance (after autowiring).