类 AbstractFallbackJCacheOperationSource

    • 字段详细资料

    • 方法详细资料

      • getCacheOperation

        public JCacheOperation<?> getCacheOperation​(Method method,
                                                    Class<?> targetClass)
        从接口复制的说明: JCacheOperationSource
        Return the cache operations for this method, or null if the method contains no JSR-107 related metadata.
        getCacheOperation 在接口中 JCacheOperationSource
        method - the method to introspect
        targetClass - the target class (may be null, in which case the declaring class of the method must be used)
        the cache operation for this method, or null if none found
      • findCacheOperation

        protected abstract JCacheOperation<?> findCacheOperation​(Method method,
                                                                 Class<?> targetType)
        Subclasses need to implement this to return the caching operation for the given method, if any.
        method - the method to retrieve the operation for
        targetType - the target class
        the cache operation associated with this method (or null if none)
      • allowPublicMethodsOnly

        protected boolean allowPublicMethodsOnly()
        Should only public methods be allowed to have caching semantics?

        The default implementation returns false.