注释类型 Profile

  • @Target({TYPE,METHOD})
    public @interface Profile
    Indicates that a component is eligible for registration when one or more specified profiles are active.

    A profile is a named logical grouping that may be activated programmatically via ConfigurableEnvironment.setActiveProfiles(java.lang.String...) or declaratively by setting the spring.profiles.active property as a JVM system property, as an environment variable, or as a Servlet context parameter in web.xml for web applications. Profiles may also be activated declaratively in integration tests via the @ActiveProfiles annotation.

    The @Profile annotation may be used in any of the following ways:

    • as a type-level annotation on any class directly or indirectly annotated with @Component, including @Configuration classes
    • as a meta-annotation, for the purpose of composing custom stereotype annotations
    • as a method-level annotation on any @Bean method

    If a @Configuration class is marked with @Profile, all of the @Bean methods and @Import annotations associated with that class will be bypassed unless one or more of the specified profiles are active. This is analogous to the behavior in Spring XML: if the profile attribute of the beans element is supplied e.g., <beans profile="p1,p2">, the beans element will not be parsed unless at least profile 'p1' or 'p2' has been activated. Likewise, if a @Component or @Configuration class is marked with @Profile({"p1", "p2"}), that class will not be registered or processed unless at least profile 'p1' or 'p2' has been activated.

    If a given profile is prefixed with the NOT operator (!), the annotated component will be registered if the profile is not active — for example, given @Profile({"p1", "!p2"}), registration will occur if profile 'p1' is active or if profile 'p2' is not active.

    If the @Profile annotation is omitted, registration will occur regardless of which (if any) profiles are active.

    NOTE: With @Profile on @Bean methods, a special scenario may apply: In the case of overloaded @Bean methods of the same Java method name (analogous to constructor overloading), an @Profile condition needs to be consistently declared on all overloaded methods. If the conditions are inconsistent, only the condition on the first declaration among the overloaded methods will matter. @Profile can therefore not be used to select an overloaded method with a particular argument signature over another; resolution between all factory methods for the same bean follows Spring's constructor resolution algorithm at creation time. Use distinct Java method names pointing to the same bean name if you'd like to define alternative beans with different profile conditions; see ProfileDatabaseConfig in @Configuration's javadoc.

    When defining Spring beans via XML, the "profile" attribute of the <beans> element may be used. See the documentation in the spring-beans XSD (version 3.1 or greater) for details.

    Chris Beams, Phillip Webb, Sam Brannen
    ConfigurableEnvironment.setActiveProfiles(java.lang.String...), ConfigurableEnvironment.setDefaultProfiles(java.lang.String...), AbstractEnvironment.ACTIVE_PROFILES_PROPERTY_NAME, AbstractEnvironment.DEFAULT_PROFILES_PROPERTY_NAME, Conditional, ActiveProfiles
    • 必需元素概要

      The set of profiles for which the annotated component should be registered.
    • 元素详细资料

      • value

        String[] value
        The set of profiles for which the annotated component should be registered.