接口 ResourcePatternResolver

    • 字段详细资料


        static final String CLASSPATH_ALL_URL_PREFIX
        Pseudo URL prefix for all matching resources from the class path: "classpath*:" This differs from ResourceLoader's classpath URL prefix in that it retrieves all matching resources for a given name (e.g. "/beans.xml"), for example in the root of all deployed JAR files.
        ResourceLoader.CLASSPATH_URL_PREFIX, 常量字段值
    • 方法详细资料

      • getResources

        Resource[] getResources​(String locationPattern)
                         throws IOException
        Resolve the given location pattern into Resource objects.

        Overlapping resource entries that point to the same physical resource should be avoided, as far as possible. The result should have set semantics.

        locationPattern - the location pattern to resolve
        the corresponding Resource objects
        IOException - in case of I/O errors