类 EscapeBodyTag

  • 所有已实现的接口:
    Serializable, BodyTag, IterationTag, JspTag, Tag, TryCatchFinally

    public class EscapeBodyTag
    extends HtmlEscapingAwareTag
    implements BodyTag
    Custom JSP tag to escape its enclosed body content, applying HTML escaping and/or JavaScript escaping.

    Provides a "htmlEscape" property for explicitly specifying whether to apply HTML escaping. If not set, a page-level default (e.g. from the HtmlEscapeTag) or an application-wide default (the "defaultHtmlEscape" context-param in web.xml) is used.

    Provides a "javaScriptEscape" property for specifying whether to apply JavaScript escaping. Can be combined with HTML escaping or used standalone.

    Juergen Hoeller
    HtmlUtils, JavaScriptUtils, 序列化表格