002 * Copyright 2002-2018 the original author or authors.
003 *
004 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
005 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
006 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
007 *
008 *      https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
009 *
010 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
011 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
012 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
013 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
014 * limitations under the License.
015 */
017package org.springframework.util;
019import java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue;
020import java.lang.ref.SoftReference;
021import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
022import java.lang.reflect.Array;
023import java.util.AbstractMap;
024import java.util.AbstractSet;
025import java.util.Collections;
026import java.util.EnumSet;
027import java.util.HashSet;
028import java.util.Iterator;
029import java.util.Map;
030import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
031import java.util.Set;
032import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
033import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
034import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;
037 * A {@link ConcurrentHashMap} that uses {@link ReferenceType#SOFT soft} or
038 * {@linkplain ReferenceType#WEAK weak} references for both {@code keys} and {@code values}.
039 *
040 * <p>This class can be used as an alternative to
041 * {@code Collections.synchronizedMap(new WeakHashMap<K, Reference<V>>())} in order to
042 * support better performance when accessed concurrently. This implementation follows the
043 * same design constraints as {@link ConcurrentHashMap} with the exception that
044 * {@code null} values and {@code null} keys are supported.
045 *
046 * <p><b>NOTE:</b> The use of references means that there is no guarantee that items
047 * placed into the map will be subsequently available. The garbage collector may discard
048 * references at any time, so it may appear that an unknown thread is silently removing
049 * entries.
050 *
051 * <p>If not explicitly specified, this implementation will use
052 * {@linkplain SoftReference soft entry references}.
053 *
054 * @author Phillip Webb
055 * @author Juergen Hoeller
056 * @since 3.2
057 * @param <K> the key type
058 * @param <V> the value type
059 */
060public class ConcurrentReferenceHashMap<K, V> extends AbstractMap<K, V> implements ConcurrentMap<K, V> {
062        private static final int DEFAULT_INITIAL_CAPACITY = 16;
064        private static final float DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR = 0.75f;
066        private static final int DEFAULT_CONCURRENCY_LEVEL = 16;
068        private static final ReferenceType DEFAULT_REFERENCE_TYPE = ReferenceType.SOFT;
070        private static final int MAXIMUM_CONCURRENCY_LEVEL = 1 << 16;
072        private static final int MAXIMUM_SEGMENT_SIZE = 1 << 30;
075        /**
076         * Array of segments indexed using the high order bits from the hash.
077         */
078        private final Segment[] segments;
080        /**
081         * When the average number of references per table exceeds this value resize will be attempted.
082         */
083        private final float loadFactor;
085        /**
086         * The reference type: SOFT or WEAK.
087         */
088        private final ReferenceType referenceType;
090        /**
091         * The shift value used to calculate the size of the segments array and an index from the hash.
092         */
093        private final int shift;
095        /**
096         * Late binding entry set.
097         */
098        private volatile Set<Map.Entry<K, V>> entrySet;
101        /**
102         * Create a new {@code ConcurrentReferenceHashMap} instance.
103         */
104        public ConcurrentReferenceHashMap() {
106        }
108        /**
109         * Create a new {@code ConcurrentReferenceHashMap} instance.
110         * @param initialCapacity the initial capacity of the map
111         */
112        public ConcurrentReferenceHashMap(int initialCapacity) {
114        }
116        /**
117         * Create a new {@code ConcurrentReferenceHashMap} instance.
118         * @param initialCapacity the initial capacity of the map
119         * @param loadFactor the load factor. When the average number of references per table
120         * exceeds this value resize will be attempted
121         */
122        public ConcurrentReferenceHashMap(int initialCapacity, float loadFactor) {
123                this(initialCapacity, loadFactor, DEFAULT_CONCURRENCY_LEVEL, DEFAULT_REFERENCE_TYPE);
124        }
126        /**
127         * Create a new {@code ConcurrentReferenceHashMap} instance.
128         * @param initialCapacity the initial capacity of the map
129         * @param concurrencyLevel the expected number of threads that will concurrently
130         * write to the map
131         */
132        public ConcurrentReferenceHashMap(int initialCapacity, int concurrencyLevel) {
133                this(initialCapacity, DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR, concurrencyLevel, DEFAULT_REFERENCE_TYPE);
134        }
136        /**
137         * Create a new {@code ConcurrentReferenceHashMap} instance.
138         * @param initialCapacity the initial capacity of the map
139         * @param referenceType the reference type used for entries (soft or weak)
140         */
141        public ConcurrentReferenceHashMap(int initialCapacity, ReferenceType referenceType) {
142                this(initialCapacity, DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR, DEFAULT_CONCURRENCY_LEVEL, referenceType);
143        }
145        /**
146         * Create a new {@code ConcurrentReferenceHashMap} instance.
147         * @param initialCapacity the initial capacity of the map
148         * @param loadFactor the load factor. When the average number of references per
149         * table exceeds this value, resize will be attempted.
150         * @param concurrencyLevel the expected number of threads that will concurrently
151         * write to the map
152         */
153        public ConcurrentReferenceHashMap(int initialCapacity, float loadFactor, int concurrencyLevel) {
154                this(initialCapacity, loadFactor, concurrencyLevel, DEFAULT_REFERENCE_TYPE);
155        }
157        /**
158         * Create a new {@code ConcurrentReferenceHashMap} instance.
159         * @param initialCapacity the initial capacity of the map
160         * @param loadFactor the load factor. When the average number of references per
161         * table exceeds this value, resize will be attempted.
162         * @param concurrencyLevel the expected number of threads that will concurrently
163         * write to the map
164         * @param referenceType the reference type used for entries (soft or weak)
165         */
166        @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
167        public ConcurrentReferenceHashMap(
168                        int initialCapacity, float loadFactor, int concurrencyLevel, ReferenceType referenceType) {
170                Assert.isTrue(initialCapacity >= 0, "Initial capacity must not be negative");
171                Assert.isTrue(loadFactor > 0f, "Load factor must be positive");
172                Assert.isTrue(concurrencyLevel > 0, "Concurrency level must be positive");
173                Assert.notNull(referenceType, "Reference type must not be null");
174                this.loadFactor = loadFactor;
175                this.shift = calculateShift(concurrencyLevel, MAXIMUM_CONCURRENCY_LEVEL);
176                int size = 1 << this.shift;
177                this.referenceType = referenceType;
178                int roundedUpSegmentCapacity = (int) ((initialCapacity + size - 1L) / size);
179                this.segments = (Segment[]) Array.newInstance(Segment.class, size);
180                for (int i = 0; i < this.segments.length; i++) {
181                        this.segments[i] = new Segment(roundedUpSegmentCapacity);
182                }
183        }
186        protected final float getLoadFactor() {
187                return this.loadFactor;
188        }
190        protected final int getSegmentsSize() {
191                return this.segments.length;
192        }
194        protected final Segment getSegment(int index) {
195                return this.segments[index];
196        }
198        /**
199         * Factory method that returns the {@link ReferenceManager}.
200         * This method will be called once for each {@link Segment}.
201         * @return a new reference manager
202         */
203        protected ReferenceManager createReferenceManager() {
204                return new ReferenceManager();
205        }
207        /**
208         * Get the hash for a given object, apply an additional hash function to reduce
209         * collisions. This implementation uses the same Wang/Jenkins algorithm as
210         * {@link ConcurrentHashMap}. Subclasses can override to provide alternative hashing.
211         * @param o the object to hash (may be null)
212         * @return the resulting hash code
213         */
214        protected int getHash(Object o) {
215                int hash = (o != null ? o.hashCode() : 0);
216                hash += (hash << 15) ^ 0xffffcd7d;
217                hash ^= (hash >>> 10);
218                hash += (hash << 3);
219                hash ^= (hash >>> 6);
220                hash += (hash << 2) + (hash << 14);
221                hash ^= (hash >>> 16);
222                return hash;
223        }
225        @Override
226        public V get(Object key) {
227                Entry<K, V> entry = getEntryIfAvailable(key);
228                return (entry != null ? entry.getValue() : null);
229        }
231        @Override
232        public V getOrDefault(Object key, V defaultValue) {
233                Entry<K, V> entry = getEntryIfAvailable(key);
234                return (entry != null ? entry.getValue() : defaultValue);
235        }
237        @Override
238        public boolean containsKey(Object key) {
239                Entry<K, V> entry = getEntryIfAvailable(key);
240                return (entry != null && ObjectUtils.nullSafeEquals(entry.getKey(), key));
241        }
243        private Entry<K, V> getEntryIfAvailable(Object key) {
244                Reference<K, V> ref = getReference(key, Restructure.WHEN_NECESSARY);
245                return (ref != null ? ref.get() : null);
246        }
248        /**
249         * Return a {@link Reference} to the {@link Entry} for the specified {@code key},
250         * or {@code null} if not found.
251         * @param key the key (can be {@code null})
252         * @param restructure types of restructure allowed during this call
253         * @return the reference, or {@code null} if not found
254         */
255        protected final Reference<K, V> getReference(Object key, Restructure restructure) {
256                int hash = getHash(key);
257                return getSegmentForHash(hash).getReference(key, hash, restructure);
258        }
260        @Override
261        public V put(K key, V value) {
262                return put(key, value, true);
263        }
265        @Override
266        public V putIfAbsent(K key, V value) {
267                return put(key, value, false);
268        }
270        private V put(final K key, final V value, final boolean overwriteExisting) {
271                return doTask(key, new Task<V>(TaskOption.RESTRUCTURE_BEFORE, TaskOption.RESIZE) {
272                        @Override
273                        protected V execute(Reference<K, V> ref, Entry<K, V> entry, Entries entries) {
274                                if (entry != null) {
275                                        V oldValue = entry.getValue();
276                                        if (overwriteExisting) {
277                                                entry.setValue(value);
278                                        }
279                                        return oldValue;
280                                }
281                                entries.add(value);
282                                return null;
283                        }
284                });
285        }
287        @Override
288        public V remove(Object key) {
289                return doTask(key, new Task<V>(TaskOption.RESTRUCTURE_AFTER, TaskOption.SKIP_IF_EMPTY) {
290                        @Override
291                        protected V execute(Reference<K, V> ref, Entry<K, V> entry) {
292                                if (entry != null) {
293                                        ref.release();
294                                        return entry.value;
295                                }
296                                return null;
297                        }
298                });
299        }
301        @Override
302        public boolean remove(Object key, final Object value) {
303                return doTask(key, new Task<Boolean>(TaskOption.RESTRUCTURE_AFTER, TaskOption.SKIP_IF_EMPTY) {
304                        @Override
305                        protected Boolean execute(Reference<K, V> ref, Entry<K, V> entry) {
306                                if (entry != null && ObjectUtils.nullSafeEquals(entry.getValue(), value)) {
307                                        ref.release();
308                                        return true;
309                                }
310                                return false;
311                        }
312                });
313        }
315        @Override
316        public boolean replace(K key, final V oldValue, final V newValue) {
317                return doTask(key, new Task<Boolean>(TaskOption.RESTRUCTURE_BEFORE, TaskOption.SKIP_IF_EMPTY) {
318                        @Override
319                        protected Boolean execute(Reference<K, V> ref, Entry<K, V> entry) {
320                                if (entry != null && ObjectUtils.nullSafeEquals(entry.getValue(), oldValue)) {
321                                        entry.setValue(newValue);
322                                        return true;
323                                }
324                                return false;
325                        }
326                });
327        }
329        @Override
330        public V replace(K key, final V value) {
331                return doTask(key, new Task<V>(TaskOption.RESTRUCTURE_BEFORE, TaskOption.SKIP_IF_EMPTY) {
332                        @Override
333                        protected V execute(Reference<K, V> ref, Entry<K, V> entry) {
334                                if (entry != null) {
335                                        V oldValue = entry.getValue();
336                                        entry.setValue(value);
337                                        return oldValue;
338                                }
339                                return null;
340                        }
341                });
342        }
344        @Override
345        public void clear() {
346                for (Segment segment : this.segments) {
347                        segment.clear();
348                }
349        }
351        /**
352         * Remove any entries that have been garbage collected and are no longer referenced.
353         * Under normal circumstances garbage collected entries are automatically purged as
354         * items are added or removed from the Map. This method can be used to force a purge,
355         * and is useful when the Map is read frequently but updated less often.
356         */
357        public void purgeUnreferencedEntries() {
358                for (Segment segment : this.segments) {
359                        segment.restructureIfNecessary(false);
360                }
361        }
364        @Override
365        public int size() {
366                int size = 0;
367                for (Segment segment : this.segments) {
368                        size += segment.getCount();
369                }
370                return size;
371        }
373        @Override
374        public boolean isEmpty() {
375                for (Segment segment : this.segments) {
376                        if (segment.getCount() > 0) {
377                                return false;
378                        }
379                }
380                return true;
381        }
383        @Override
384        public Set<Map.Entry<K, V>> entrySet() {
385                Set<Map.Entry<K, V>> entrySet = this.entrySet;
386                if (entrySet == null) {
387                        entrySet = new EntrySet();
388                        this.entrySet = entrySet;
389                }
390                return entrySet;
391        }
393        private <T> T doTask(Object key, Task<T> task) {
394                int hash = getHash(key);
395                return getSegmentForHash(hash).doTask(hash, key, task);
396        }
398        private Segment getSegmentForHash(int hash) {
399                return this.segments[(hash >>> (32 - this.shift)) & (this.segments.length - 1)];
400        }
402        /**
403         * Calculate a shift value that can be used to create a power-of-two value between
404         * the specified maximum and minimum values.
405         * @param minimumValue the minimum value
406         * @param maximumValue the maximum value
407         * @return the calculated shift (use {@code 1 << shift} to obtain a value)
408         */
409        protected static int calculateShift(int minimumValue, int maximumValue) {
410                int shift = 0;
411                int value = 1;
412                while (value < minimumValue && value < maximumValue) {
413                        value <<= 1;
414                        shift++;
415                }
416                return shift;
417        }
420        /**
421         * Various reference types supported by this map.
422         */
423        public enum ReferenceType {
425                /** Use {@link SoftReference}s */
426                SOFT,
428                /** Use {@link WeakReference}s */
429                WEAK
430        }
433        /**
434         * A single segment used to divide the map to allow better concurrent performance.
435         */
436        @SuppressWarnings("serial")
437        protected final class Segment extends ReentrantLock {
439                private final ReferenceManager referenceManager;
441                private final int initialSize;
443                /**
444                 * Array of references indexed using the low order bits from the hash.
445                 * This property should only be set along with {@code resizeThreshold}.
446                 */
447                private volatile Reference<K, V>[] references;
449                /**
450                 * The total number of references contained in this segment. This includes chained
451                 * references and references that have been garbage collected but not purged.
452                 */
453                private volatile int count = 0;
455                /**
456                 * The threshold when resizing of the references should occur. When {@code count}
457                 * exceeds this value references will be resized.
458                 */
459                private int resizeThreshold;
461                public Segment(int initialCapacity) {
462                        this.referenceManager = createReferenceManager();
463                        this.initialSize = 1 << calculateShift(initialCapacity, MAXIMUM_SEGMENT_SIZE);
464                        setReferences(createReferenceArray(this.initialSize));
465                }
467                public Reference<K, V> getReference(Object key, int hash, Restructure restructure) {
468                        if (restructure == Restructure.WHEN_NECESSARY) {
469                                restructureIfNecessary(false);
470                        }
471                        if (this.count == 0) {
472                                return null;
473                        }
474                        // Use a local copy to protect against other threads writing
475                        Reference<K, V>[] references = this.references;
476                        int index = getIndex(hash, references);
477                        Reference<K, V> head = references[index];
478                        return findInChain(head, key, hash);
479                }
481                /**
482                 * Apply an update operation to this segment.
483                 * The segment will be locked during the update.
484                 * @param hash the hash of the key
485                 * @param key the key
486                 * @param task the update operation
487                 * @return the result of the operation
488                 */
489                public <T> T doTask(final int hash, final Object key, final Task<T> task) {
490                        boolean resize = task.hasOption(TaskOption.RESIZE);
491                        if (task.hasOption(TaskOption.RESTRUCTURE_BEFORE)) {
492                                restructureIfNecessary(resize);
493                        }
494                        if (task.hasOption(TaskOption.SKIP_IF_EMPTY) && this.count == 0) {
495                                return task.execute(null, null, null);
496                        }
497                        lock();
498                        try {
499                                final int index = getIndex(hash, this.references);
500                                final Reference<K, V> head = this.references[index];
501                                Reference<K, V> ref = findInChain(head, key, hash);
502                                Entry<K, V> entry = (ref != null ? ref.get() : null);
503                                Entries entries = new Entries() {
504                                        @Override
505                                        public void add(V value) {
506                                                @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
507                                                Entry<K, V> newEntry = new Entry<K, V>((K) key, value);
508                                                Reference<K, V> newReference = Segment.this.referenceManager.createReference(newEntry, hash, head);
509                                                Segment.this.references[index] = newReference;
510                                                Segment.this.count++;
511                                        }
512                                };
513                                return task.execute(ref, entry, entries);
514                        }
515                        finally {
516                                unlock();
517                                if (task.hasOption(TaskOption.RESTRUCTURE_AFTER)) {
518                                        restructureIfNecessary(resize);
519                                }
520                        }
521                }
523                /**
524                 * Clear all items from this segment.
525                 */
526                public void clear() {
527                        if (this.count == 0) {
528                                return;
529                        }
530                        lock();
531                        try {
532                                setReferences(createReferenceArray(this.initialSize));
533                                this.count = 0;
534                        }
535                        finally {
536                                unlock();
537                        }
538                }
540                /**
541                 * Restructure the underlying data structure when it becomes necessary. This
542                 * method can increase the size of the references table as well as purge any
543                 * references that have been garbage collected.
544                 * @param allowResize if resizing is permitted
545                 */
546                protected final void restructureIfNecessary(boolean allowResize) {
547                        boolean needsResize = (this.count > 0 && this.count >= this.resizeThreshold);
548                        Reference<K, V> ref = this.referenceManager.pollForPurge();
549                        if (ref != null || (needsResize && allowResize)) {
550                                lock();
551                                try {
552                                        int countAfterRestructure = this.count;
553                                        Set<Reference<K, V>> toPurge = Collections.emptySet();
554                                        if (ref != null) {
555                                                toPurge = new HashSet<Reference<K, V>>();
556                                                while (ref != null) {
557                                                        toPurge.add(ref);
558                                                        ref = this.referenceManager.pollForPurge();
559                                                }
560                                        }
561                                        countAfterRestructure -= toPurge.size();
563                                        // Recalculate taking into account count inside lock and items that
564                                        // will be purged
565                                        needsResize = (countAfterRestructure > 0 && countAfterRestructure >= this.resizeThreshold);
566                                        boolean resizing = false;
567                                        int restructureSize = this.references.length;
568                                        if (allowResize && needsResize && restructureSize < MAXIMUM_SEGMENT_SIZE) {
569                                                restructureSize <<= 1;
570                                                resizing = true;
571                                        }
573                                        // Either create a new table or reuse the existing one
574                                        Reference<K, V>[] restructured =
575                                                        (resizing ? createReferenceArray(restructureSize) : this.references);
577                                        // Restructure
578                                        for (int i = 0; i < this.references.length; i++) {
579                                                ref = this.references[i];
580                                                if (!resizing) {
581                                                        restructured[i] = null;
582                                                }
583                                                while (ref != null) {
584                                                        if (!toPurge.contains(ref) && (ref.get() != null)) {
585                                                                int index = getIndex(ref.getHash(), restructured);
586                                                                restructured[index] = this.referenceManager.createReference(
587                                                                                ref.get(), ref.getHash(), restructured[index]);
588                                                        }
589                                                        ref = ref.getNext();
590                                                }
591                                        }
593                                        // Replace volatile members
594                                        if (resizing) {
595                                                setReferences(restructured);
596                                        }
597                                        this.count = Math.max(countAfterRestructure, 0);
598                                }
599                                finally {
600                                        unlock();
601                                }
602                        }
603                }
605                private Reference<K, V> findInChain(Reference<K, V> ref, Object key, int hash) {
606                        Reference<K, V> currRef = ref;
607                        while (currRef != null) {
608                                if (currRef.getHash() == hash) {
609                                        Entry<K, V> entry = currRef.get();
610                                        if (entry != null) {
611                                                K entryKey = entry.getKey();
612                                                if (ObjectUtils.nullSafeEquals(entryKey, key)) {
613                                                        return currRef;
614                                                }
615                                        }
616                                }
617                                currRef = currRef.getNext();
618                        }
619                        return null;
620                }
622                @SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked"})
623                private Reference<K, V>[] createReferenceArray(int size) {
624                        return new Reference[size];
625                }
627                private int getIndex(int hash, Reference<K, V>[] references) {
628                        return (hash & (references.length - 1));
629                }
631                /**
632                 * Replace the references with a new value, recalculating the resizeThreshold.
633                 * @param references the new references
634                 */
635                private void setReferences(Reference<K, V>[] references) {
636                        this.references = references;
637                        this.resizeThreshold = (int) (references.length * getLoadFactor());
638                }
640                /**
641                 * Return the size of the current references array.
642                 */
643                public final int getSize() {
644                        return this.references.length;
645                }
647                /**
648                 * Return the total number of references in this segment.
649                 */
650                public final int getCount() {
651                        return this.count;
652                }
653        }
656        /**
657         * A reference to an {@link Entry} contained in the map. Implementations are usually
658         * wrappers around specific Java reference implementations (e.g., {@link SoftReference}).
659         */
660        protected interface Reference<K, V> {
662                /**
663                 * Return the referenced entry, or {@code null} if the entry is no longer available.
664                 */
665                Entry<K, V> get();
667                /**
668                 * Return the hash for the reference.
669                 */
670                int getHash();
672                /**
673                 * Return the next reference in the chain, or {@code null} if none.
674                 */
675                Reference<K, V> getNext();
677                /**
678                 * Release this entry and ensure that it will be returned from
679                 * {@code ReferenceManager#pollForPurge()}.
680                 */
681                void release();
682        }
685        /**
686         * A single map entry.
687         */
688        protected static final class Entry<K, V> implements Map.Entry<K, V> {
690                private final K key;
692                private volatile V value;
694                public Entry(K key, V value) {
695                        this.key = key;
696                        this.value = value;
697                }
699                @Override
700                public K getKey() {
701                        return this.key;
702                }
704                @Override
705                public V getValue() {
706                        return this.value;
707                }
709                @Override
710                public V setValue(V value) {
711                        V previous = this.value;
712                        this.value = value;
713                        return previous;
714                }
716                @Override
717                public String toString() {
718                        return (this.key + "=" + this.value);
719                }
721                @Override
722                @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes")
723                public final boolean equals(Object other) {
724                        if (this == other) {
725                                return true;
726                        }
727                        if (!(other instanceof Map.Entry)) {
728                                return false;
729                        }
730                        Map.Entry otherEntry = (Map.Entry) other;
731                        return (ObjectUtils.nullSafeEquals(getKey(), otherEntry.getKey()) &&
732                                        ObjectUtils.nullSafeEquals(getValue(), otherEntry.getValue()));
733                }
735                @Override
736                public final int hashCode() {
737                        return (ObjectUtils.nullSafeHashCode(this.key) ^ ObjectUtils.nullSafeHashCode(this.value));
738                }
739        }
742        /**
743         * A task that can be {@link Segment#doTask run} against a {@link Segment}.
744         */
745        private abstract class Task<T> {
747                private final EnumSet<TaskOption> options;
749                public Task(TaskOption... options) {
750                        this.options = (options.length == 0 ? EnumSet.noneOf(TaskOption.class) : EnumSet.of(options[0], options));
751                }
753                public boolean hasOption(TaskOption option) {
754                        return this.options.contains(option);
755                }
757                /**
758                 * Execute the task.
759                 * @param ref the found reference (or {@code null})
760                 * @param entry the found entry (or {@code null})
761                 * @param entries access to the underlying entries
762                 * @return the result of the task
763                 * @see #execute(Reference, Entry)
764                 */
765                protected T execute(Reference<K, V> ref, Entry<K, V> entry, Entries entries) {
766                        return execute(ref, entry);
767                }
769                /**
770                 * Convenience method that can be used for tasks that do not need access to {@link Entries}.
771                 * @param ref the found reference (or {@code null})
772                 * @param entry the found entry (or {@code null})
773                 * @return the result of the task
774                 * @see #execute(Reference, Entry, Entries)
775                 */
776                protected T execute(Reference<K, V> ref, Entry<K, V> entry) {
777                        return null;
778                }
779        }
782        /**
783         * Various options supported by a {@code Task}.
784         */
785        private enum TaskOption {
788        }
791        /**
792         * Allows a task access to {@link Segment} entries.
793         */
794        private abstract class Entries {
796                /**
797                 * Add a new entry with the specified value.
798                 * @param value the value to add
799                 */
800                public abstract void add(V value);
801        }
804        /**
805         * Internal entry-set implementation.
806         */
807        private class EntrySet extends AbstractSet<Map.Entry<K, V>> {
809                @Override
810                public Iterator<Map.Entry<K, V>> iterator() {
811                        return new EntryIterator();
812                }
814                @Override
815                public boolean contains(Object o) {
816                        if (o instanceof Map.Entry<?, ?>) {
817                                Map.Entry<?, ?> entry = (Map.Entry<?, ?>) o;
818                                Reference<K, V> ref = ConcurrentReferenceHashMap.this.getReference(entry.getKey(), Restructure.NEVER);
819                                Entry<K, V> otherEntry = (ref != null ? ref.get() : null);
820                                if (otherEntry != null) {
821                                        return ObjectUtils.nullSafeEquals(otherEntry.getValue(), otherEntry.getValue());
822                                }
823                        }
824                        return false;
825                }
827                @Override
828                public boolean remove(Object o) {
829                        if (o instanceof Map.Entry<?, ?>) {
830                                Map.Entry<?, ?> entry = (Map.Entry<?, ?>) o;
831                                return ConcurrentReferenceHashMap.this.remove(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
832                        }
833                        return false;
834                }
836                @Override
837                public int size() {
838                        return ConcurrentReferenceHashMap.this.size();
839                }
841                @Override
842                public void clear() {
843                        ConcurrentReferenceHashMap.this.clear();
844                }
845        }
848        /**
849         * Internal entry iterator implementation.
850         */
851        private class EntryIterator implements Iterator<Map.Entry<K, V>> {
853                private int segmentIndex;
855                private int referenceIndex;
857                private Reference<K, V>[] references;
859                private Reference<K, V> reference;
861                private Entry<K, V> next;
863                private Entry<K, V> last;
865                public EntryIterator() {
866                        moveToNextSegment();
867                }
869                @Override
870                public boolean hasNext() {
871                        getNextIfNecessary();
872                        return (this.next != null);
873                }
875                @Override
876                public Entry<K, V> next() {
877                        getNextIfNecessary();
878                        if (this.next == null) {
879                                throw new NoSuchElementException();
880                        }
881                        this.last = this.next;
882                        this.next = null;
883                        return this.last;
884                }
886                private void getNextIfNecessary() {
887                        while (this.next == null) {
888                                moveToNextReference();
889                                if (this.reference == null) {
890                                        return;
891                                }
892                                this.next = this.reference.get();
893                        }
894                }
896                private void moveToNextReference() {
897                        if (this.reference != null) {
898                                this.reference = this.reference.getNext();
899                        }
900                        while (this.reference == null && this.references != null) {
901                                if (this.referenceIndex >= this.references.length) {
902                                        moveToNextSegment();
903                                        this.referenceIndex = 0;
904                                }
905                                else {
906                                        this.reference = this.references[this.referenceIndex];
907                                        this.referenceIndex++;
908                                }
909                        }
910                }
912                private void moveToNextSegment() {
913                        this.reference = null;
914                        this.references = null;
915                        if (this.segmentIndex < ConcurrentReferenceHashMap.this.segments.length) {
916                                this.references = ConcurrentReferenceHashMap.this.segments[this.segmentIndex].references;
917                                this.segmentIndex++;
918                        }
919                }
921                @Override
922                public void remove() {
923                        Assert.state(this.last != null, "No element to remove");
924                        ConcurrentReferenceHashMap.this.remove(this.last.getKey());
925                }
926        }
929        /**
930         * The types of restructuring that can be performed.
931         */
932        protected enum Restructure {
934                WHEN_NECESSARY, NEVER
935        }
938        /**
939         * Strategy class used to manage {@link Reference}s. This class can be overridden if
940         * alternative reference types need to be supported.
941         */
942        protected class ReferenceManager {
944                private final ReferenceQueue<Entry<K, V>> queue = new ReferenceQueue<Entry<K, V>>();
946                /**
947                 * Factory method used to create a new {@link Reference}.
948                 * @param entry the entry contained in the reference
949                 * @param hash the hash
950                 * @param next the next reference in the chain, or {@code null} if none
951                 * @return a new {@link Reference}
952                 */
953                public Reference<K, V> createReference(Entry<K, V> entry, int hash, Reference<K, V> next) {
954                        if (ConcurrentReferenceHashMap.this.referenceType == ReferenceType.WEAK) {
955                                return new WeakEntryReference<K, V>(entry, hash, next, this.queue);
956                        }
957                        return new SoftEntryReference<K, V>(entry, hash, next, this.queue);
958                }
960                /**
961                 * Return any reference that has been garbage collected and can be purged from the
962                 * underlying structure or {@code null} if no references need purging. This
963                 * method must be thread safe and ideally should not block when returning
964                 * {@code null}. References should be returned once and only once.
965                 * @return a reference to purge or {@code null}
966                 */
967                @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
968                public Reference<K, V> pollForPurge() {
969                        return (Reference<K, V>) this.queue.poll();
970                }
971        }
974        /**
975         * Internal {@link Reference} implementation for {@link SoftReference}s.
976         */
977        private static final class SoftEntryReference<K, V> extends SoftReference<Entry<K, V>> implements Reference<K, V> {
979                private final int hash;
981                private final Reference<K, V> nextReference;
983                public SoftEntryReference(Entry<K, V> entry, int hash, Reference<K, V> next, ReferenceQueue<Entry<K, V>> queue) {
984                        super(entry, queue);
985                        this.hash = hash;
986                        this.nextReference = next;
987                }
989                @Override
990                public int getHash() {
991                        return this.hash;
992                }
994                @Override
995                public Reference<K, V> getNext() {
996                        return this.nextReference;
997                }
999                @Override
1000                public void release() {
1001                        enqueue();
1002                        clear();
1003                }
1004        }
1007        /**
1008         * Internal {@link Reference} implementation for {@link WeakReference}s.
1009         */
1010        private static final class WeakEntryReference<K, V> extends WeakReference<Entry<K, V>> implements Reference<K, V> {
1012                private final int hash;
1014                private final Reference<K, V> nextReference;
1016                public WeakEntryReference(Entry<K, V> entry, int hash, Reference<K, V> next, ReferenceQueue<Entry<K, V>> queue) {
1017                        super(entry, queue);
1018                        this.hash = hash;
1019                        this.nextReference = next;
1020                }
1022                @Override
1023                public int getHash() {
1024                        return this.hash;
1025                }
1027                @Override
1028                public Reference<K, V> getNext() {
1029                        return this.nextReference;
1030                }
1032                @Override
1033                public void release() {
1034                        enqueue();
1035                        clear();
1036                }
1037        }