类 URIEditor

  • 所有已实现的接口:

    public class URIEditor
    extends PropertyEditorSupport
    Editor for java.net.URI, to directly populate a URI property instead of using a String property as bridge.

    Supports Spring-style URI notation: any fully qualified standard URI ("file:", "http:", etc) and Spring's special "classpath:" pseudo-URL, which will be resolved to a corresponding URI.

    By default, this editor will encode Strings into URIs. For instance, a space will be encoded into %20. This behavior can be changed by calling the URIEditor(boolean) constructor.

    Note: A URI is more relaxed than a URL in that it does not require a valid protocol to be specified. Any scheme within a valid URI syntax is allowed, even without a matching protocol handler being registered.

    Juergen Hoeller
    URI, URLEditor
    • 构造器详细资料

      • URIEditor

        public URIEditor()
        Create a new, encoding URIEditor, converting "classpath:" locations into standard URIs (not trying to resolve them into physical resources).
      • URIEditor

        public URIEditor​(boolean encode)
        Create a new URIEditor, converting "classpath:" locations into standard URIs (not trying to resolve them into physical resources).
        encode - indicates whether Strings will be encoded or not
      • URIEditor

        public URIEditor​(@Nullable
                         ClassLoader classLoader)
        Create a new URIEditor, using the given ClassLoader to resolve "classpath:" locations into physical resource URLs.
        classLoader - the ClassLoader to use for resolving "classpath:" locations (may be null to indicate the default ClassLoader)
      • URIEditor

        public URIEditor​(@Nullable
                         ClassLoader classLoader,
                         boolean encode)
        Create a new URIEditor, using the given ClassLoader to resolve "classpath:" locations into physical resource URLs.
        classLoader - the ClassLoader to use for resolving "classpath:" locations (may be null to indicate the default ClassLoader)
        encode - indicates whether Strings will be encoded or not