类 ExecutorServiceAdapter

  • 所有已实现的接口:
    Executor, ExecutorService

    public class ExecutorServiceAdapter
    extends AbstractExecutorService
    Adapter that takes a Spring TaskExecutor and exposes a full java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService for it.

    This is primarily for adapting to client components that communicate via the java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService API. It can also be used as common ground between a local Spring TaskExecutor backend and a JNDI-located ManagedExecutorService in a Java EE 7 environment.

    NOTE: This ExecutorService adapter does not support the lifecycle methods in the java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService API ("shutdown()" etc), similar to a server-wide ManagedExecutorService in a Java EE 7 environment. The lifecycle is always up to the backend pool, with this adapter acting as an access-only proxy for that target pool.

    Juergen Hoeller