类 OperatorBetween

  • 所有已实现的接口:
    Opcodes, SpelNode

    public class OperatorBetween
    extends Operator
    Represents the between operator. The left operand to between must be a single value and the right operand must be a list - this operator returns true if the left operand is between (using the registered comparator) the two elements in the list. The definition of between being inclusive follows the SQL BETWEEN definition.
    Andy Clement
    • 方法详细资料

      • getValueInternal

        public BooleanTypedValue getValueInternal​(ExpressionState state)
                                           throws EvaluationException
        Returns a boolean based on whether a value is in the range expressed. The first operand is any value whilst the second is a list of two values - those two values being the bounds allowed for the first operand (inclusive).
        getValueInternal 在类中 SpelNodeImpl
        state - the expression state
        true if the left operand is in the range specified, false otherwise
        EvaluationException - if there is a problem evaluating the expression