注释类型 ContextConfiguration

  • @Target(TYPE)
    public @interface ContextConfiguration
    @ContextConfiguration defines class-level metadata that is used to determine how to load and configure an ApplicationContext for integration tests.

    Supported Resource Types

    Prior to Spring 3.1, only path-based resource locations (typically XML configuration files) were supported. As of Spring 3.1, context loaders may choose to support either path-based or class-based resources. As of Spring 4.0.4, context loaders may choose to support path-based and class-based resources simultaneously. Consequently @ContextConfiguration can be used to declare either path-based resource locations (via the locations() or value() attribute) or component classes (via the classes() attribute). Note, however, that most implementations of SmartContextLoader only support a single resource type. As of Spring 4.1, path-based resource locations may be either XML configuration files or Groovy scripts (if Groovy is on the classpath). Of course, third-party frameworks may choose to support additional types of path-based resources.

    Component Classes

    The term component class can refer to any of the following.

    • A class annotated with @Configuration
    • A component (i.e., a class annotated with @Component, @Service, @Repository, etc.)
    • A JSR-330 compliant class that is annotated with javax.inject annotations
    • Any class that contains @Bean-methods
    • Any other class that is intended to be registered as a Spring component (i.e., a Spring bean in the ApplicationContext), potentially taking advantage of automatic autowiring of a single constructor without the use of Spring annotations
    A bean will be registered in the ApplicationContext for each component class, and such beans can therefore be injected into other beans or into the instance of the test class.

    Consult the Javadoc for @Configuration and @Bean for further information regarding the configuration and semantics of component classes.

    This annotation may be used as a meta-annotation to create custom composed annotations.

    Sam Brannen
    @SpringJUnitConfig, @SpringJUnitWebConfig, @ContextHierarchy, @ActiveProfiles, @TestPropertySource, SmartContextLoader, ContextConfigurationAttributes, MergedContextConfiguration, ApplicationContext
      • inheritLocations

        boolean inheritLocations
        Whether or not resource locations or component classes from test superclasses should be inherited.

        The default value is true. This means that an annotated test class will inherit the resource locations or component classes defined by test superclasses. Specifically, the resource locations or component classes for a given test class will be appended to the list of resource locations or component classes defined by test superclasses. Thus, subclasses have the option of extending the list of resource locations or component classes.

        If inheritLocations is set to false, the resource locations or component classes for the annotated test class will shadow and effectively replace any resource locations or component classes defined by superclasses.

        In the following example that uses path-based resource locations, the ApplicationContext for ExtendedTest will be loaded from "base-context.xml"and"extended-context.xml", in that order. Beans defined in "extended-context.xml" may therefore override those defined in "base-context.xml".

         public class BaseTest {
             // ...
         public class ExtendedTest extends BaseTest {
             // ...

        Similarly, in the following example that uses component classes, the ApplicationContext for ExtendedTest will be loaded from the BaseConfigandExtendedConfig configuration classes, in that order. Beans defined in ExtendedConfig may therefore override those defined in BaseConfig.

         public class BaseTest {
             // ...
         public class ExtendedTest extends BaseTest {
             // ...
      • inheritInitializers

        boolean inheritInitializers
        Whether or not context initializers from test superclasses should be inherited.

        The default value is true. This means that an annotated test class will inherit the application context initializers defined by test superclasses. Specifically, the initializers for a given test class will be added to the set of initializers defined by test superclasses. Thus, subclasses have the option of extending the set of initializers.

        If inheritInitializers is set to false, the initializers for the annotated test class will shadow and effectively replace any initializers defined by superclasses.

        In the following example, the ApplicationContext for ExtendedTest will be initialized using BaseInitializerandExtendedInitializer. Note, however, that the order in which the initializers are invoked depends on whether they implement Ordered or are annotated with @Order.

         @ContextConfiguration(initializers = BaseInitializer.class)
         public class BaseTest {
             // ...
         @ContextConfiguration(initializers = ExtendedInitializer.class)
         public class ExtendedTest extends BaseTest {
             // ...
      • name

        String name
        The name of the context hierarchy level represented by this configuration.

        If not specified the name will be inferred based on the numerical level within all declared contexts within the hierarchy.

        This attribute is only applicable when used within a test class hierarchy that is configured using @ContextHierarchy, in which case the name can be used for merging or overriding this configuration with configuration of the same name in hierarchy levels defined in superclasses. See the Javadoc for @ContextHierarchy for details.
