类 HostRequestMatcher

  • 所有已实现的接口:

    public final class HostRequestMatcher
    extends Object
    implements WebRequestMatcher
    A WebRequestMatcher that allows matching on the host and optionally the port of WebRequest#getUrl().

    For example, the following would match any request to the host "code.jquery.com" without regard for the port.

    WebRequestMatcher cdnMatcher = new HostMatcher("code.jquery.com");

    Multiple hosts can also be passed in. For example, the following would match any request to the host "code.jquery.com" or the host "cdn.com" without regard for the port.

    WebRequestMatcher cdnMatcher = new HostMatcher("code.jquery.com", "cdn.com");

    Alternatively, one can also specify the port. For example, the following would match any request to the host "code.jquery.com" with the port of 80.

    WebRequestMatcher cdnMatcher = new HostMatcher("code.jquery.example:80");

    The above cdnMatcher would match "http://code.jquery.example/jquery.js" which has a default port of 80 and "http://code.jquery.example:80/jquery.js". However, it would not match "https://code.jquery.example/jquery.js" which has a default port of 443.

    Rob Winch, Sam Brannen
    UrlRegexRequestMatcher, DelegatingWebConnection
    • 构造器详细资料

      • HostRequestMatcher

        public HostRequestMatcher​(String... hosts)
        Create a new HostRequestMatcher for the given hosts — for example: "localhost", "example.com:443", etc.
        hosts - the hosts to match on
    • 方法详细资料

      • matches

        public boolean matches​(com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.WebRequest request)
        从接口复制的说明: WebRequestMatcher
        Whether this matcher matches on the supplied web request.
        matches 在接口中 WebRequestMatcher
        request - the WebRequest to attempt to match on
        true if this matcher matches on the WebRequest