注释类型 RequestParam

  • @Target(PARAMETER)
    public @interface RequestParam
    Annotation which indicates that a method parameter should be bound to a web request parameter.

    Supported for annotated handler methods in Spring MVC and Spring WebFlux as follows:

    • In Spring MVC, "request parameters" map to query parameters, form data, and parts in multipart requests. This is because the Servlet API combines query parameters and form data into a single map called "parameters", and that includes automatic parsing of the request body.
    • In Spring WebFlux, "request parameters" map to query parameters only. To work with all 3, query, form data, and multipart data, you can use data binding to a command object annotated with ModelAttribute.

    If the method parameter type is Map and a request parameter name is specified, then the request parameter value is converted to a Map assuming an appropriate conversion strategy is available.

    If the method parameter is Map<String, String> or MultiValueMap<String, String> and a parameter name is not specified, then the map parameter is populated with all request parameter names and values.

    Arjen Poutsma, Juergen Hoeller, Sam Brannen
    RequestMapping, RequestHeader, CookieValue
    • 可选元素概要

      The default value to use as a fallback when the request parameter is not provided or has an empty value.
      The name of the request parameter to bind to.
      Whether the parameter is required.
      Alias for name().
      • name

        String name
        The name of the request parameter to bind to.
      • required

        boolean required
        Whether the parameter is required.

        Defaults to true, leading to an exception being thrown if the parameter is missing in the request. Switch this to false if you prefer a null value if the parameter is not present in the request.

        Alternatively, provide a defaultValue(), which implicitly sets this flag to false.

      • defaultValue

        String defaultValue
        The default value to use as a fallback when the request parameter is not provided or has an empty value.

        Supplying a default value implicitly sets required() to false.
