类 WebRequestDataBinder

    • 构造器详细资料

      • WebRequestDataBinder

        public WebRequestDataBinder​(@Nullable
                                    Object target,
                                    String objectName)
        Create a new WebRequestDataBinder instance.
        target - the target object to bind onto (or null if the binder is just used to convert a plain parameter value)
        objectName - the name of the target object
    • 方法详细资料

      • bind

        public void bind​(WebRequest request)
        Bind the parameters of the given request to this binder's target, also binding multipart files in case of a multipart request.

        This call can create field errors, representing basic binding errors like a required field (code "required"), or type mismatch between value and bean property (code "typeMismatch").

        Multipart files are bound via their parameter name, just like normal HTTP parameters: i.e. "uploadedFile" to an "uploadedFile" bean property, invoking a "setUploadedFile" setter method.

        The type of the target property for a multipart file can be Part, MultipartFile, byte[], or String. The latter two receive the contents of the uploaded file; all metadata like original file name, content type, etc are lost in those cases.

        request - the request with parameters to bind (can be multipart)
        MultipartRequest, MultipartFile, Part, DataBinder.bind(org.springframework.beans.PropertyValues)
      • closeNoCatch

        public void closeNoCatch()
                          throws BindException
        Treats errors as fatal.

        Use this method only if it's an error if the input isn't valid. This might be appropriate if all input is from dropdowns, for example.

        BindException - if binding errors have been encountered