类 SimpleUrlHandlerMapping

  • 所有已实现的接口:
    Aware, BeanNameAware, ApplicationContextAware, Ordered, HandlerMapping

    public class SimpleUrlHandlerMapping
    extends AbstractUrlHandlerMapping
    Implementation of the HandlerMapping interface to map from URLs to request handler beans. Supports both mapping to bean instances and mapping to bean names; the latter is required for non-singleton handlers.

    The "urlMap" property is suitable for populating the handler map with bean instances. Mappings to bean names can be set via the "mappings" property, in a form accepted by the java.util.Properties class, as follows:


    The syntax is PATH=HANDLER_BEAN_NAME. If the path doesn't begin with a slash, one is prepended.

    Supports direct matches, e.g. a registered "/test" matches "/test", and various Ant-style pattern matches, e.g. a registered "/t*" pattern matches both "/test" and "/team", "/test/*" matches all paths under "/test", "/test/**" matches all paths below "/test". For details, see the PathPattern javadoc.

    Rossen Stoyanchev, Sam Brannen
    • 构造器详细资料

      • SimpleUrlHandlerMapping

        public SimpleUrlHandlerMapping​(Map<String,​?> urlMap)
        Create a SimpleUrlHandlerMapping using the supplied URL map.
        urlMap - map with URL paths as keys and han