类 HandshakeInfo

    • 构造器详细资料

      • HandshakeInfo

        public HandshakeInfo​(URI uri,
                             HttpHeaders headers,
                             reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Principal> principal,
                             String protocol)
        Constructor with basic information about the handshake.
        uri - the endpoint URL
        headers - request headers for server or response headers or client
        principal - the principal for the session
        protocol - the negotiated sub-protocol (may be null)
      • HandshakeInfo

        public HandshakeInfo​(URI uri,
                             HttpHeaders headers,
                             reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Principal> principal,
                             String protocol,
                             InetSocketAddress remoteAddress,
                             Map<String,​Object> attributes,
                             String logPrefix)
        Constructor targetting server-side use with extra information about the handshake, the remote address, and a pre-existing log prefix for correlation.
        uri - the endpoint URL
        headers - request headers for server or response headers or client
        principal - the principal for the session
        protocol - the negotiated sub-protocol (may be null)
        remoteAddress - the remote address where the handshake came from
        attributes - initial attributes to use for the WebSocket session
        logPrefix - log prefix used during the handshake for correlating log messages, if any.