类 WebSocketHandlerAdapter

    • 方法详细资料

      • supports

        public boolean supports​(Object handler)
        从接口复制的说明: HandlerAdapter
        Whether this HandlerAdapter supports the given handler.
        supports 在接口中 HandlerAdapter
        handler - the handler object to check
        whether or not the handler is supported
      • handle

        public reactor.core.publisher.Mono<HandlerResulthandle​(ServerWebExchange exchange,
                                                                 Object handler)
        从接口复制的说明: HandlerAdapter
        Handle the request with the given handler.

        Implementations are encouraged to handle exceptions resulting from the invocation of a handler in order and if necessary to return an alternate result that represents an error response.

        Furthermore since an async HandlerResult may produce an error later during result handling implementations are also encouraged to set an exception handler on the HandlerResult so that may also be applied later after result handling.

        handle 在接口中 HandlerAdapter
        exchange - current server exchange
        handler - the selected handler which must have been previously checked via HandlerAdapter.supports(Object)
        Mono that emits a single HandlerResult or none if the request has been fully handled and doesn't require further handling.