接口 UriComponents.UriTemplateVariables

    • 字段概要

      static ObjectSKIP_VALUE
      Constant for a value that indicates a URI variable name should be ignored and left as is.
    • 字段详细资料

      • SKIP_VALUE

        static final Object SKIP_VALUE
        Constant for a value that indicates a URI variable name should be ignored and left as is. This is useful for partial expanding of some but not all URI variables.
    • 方法详细资料

      • getValue

        Object getValue​(@Nullable
                        String name)
        Get the value for the given URI variable name. If the value is null, an empty String is expanded. If the value is SKIP_VALUE, the URI variable is not expanded.
        name - the variable name
        the variable value, possibly null or SKIP_VALUE