angular / 13.3.8 / cli / cache.html /

Persistent disk cache

Angular CLI saves a number of cachable operations on disk by default.

When you re-run the same build, the build system restores the state of the previous build and re-uses previously performed operations, which decreases the time taken to build and test your applications and libraries.

To amend the default cache settings, add the cli.cache object to your Workspace Configuration. The object goes under cli.cache at the top level of the file, outside the projects sections.

  "$schema": "./node_modules/@angular/cli/lib/config/schema.json",
  "version": 1,
  "cli": {
    "cache": {
  "projects": {}

For more information, see cache options.

Enabling and disabling the cache

Caching is enabled by default. To disable caching run the following command:

ng config cli.cache.enabled false

To re-enable caching, set cli.cache.enabled to true.

Cache environments

By default, disk cache is only enabled for local environments.

To enable caching for all environments, run the following command:

ng config cli.cache.environment all

For more information, see environment in cache options.

The Angular CLI checks for the presence and value of the CI environment variable to determine in which environment it is running.

Cache path

By default, .angular/cache is used as a base directory to store cache results. To change this path, run the following command:

ng config cli.cache.path ".cache/ng"

Clearing the cache

To clear the cache, run one of the following commands.

To clear the cache on Unix-based operating systems:

rm -rf .angular/cache

To clear the cache on Windows:

rmdir /s /q .angular\cache

For more information, see rm command and rmdir command.

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