angular / 14.0.0 / guide / prerendering.html /

Prerendering static pages

Angular Universal lets you prerender the pages of your application. Prerendering is the process where a dynamic page is processed at build time generating static HTML.

How to prerender a page

To prerender a static page make sure to add SSR capabilities to your application. For more information see the universal guide. Once SSR is added, run the following command:

npm run prerender

Build options for prerendering

When you add prerendering to your application, the following build options are available:

Options Details
browserTarget Specify the target to build.
serverTarget Specify the Server target to use for prerendering the application.
routes Define an array of additional routes to prerender.
guessRoutes Whether builder should extract routes and guess which paths to render.Defaults to true.
routesFile Specify a file that contains a list of all routes to prerender, separated by newlines. This option is useful if you have a large number of routes.
numProcesses Specify the number of CPUs to be used while running the prerendering command.

Prerendering dynamic routes

You can prerender dynamic routes. An example of a dynamic route is product/:id, where id is dynamically provided.

To prerender dynamic routes, choose one from the following options:

  • Provide additional routes in the command line
  • Provide routes using a file
  • Prerender specific routes

Provide additional routes in the command line

While running the prerender command, you can provide additional routes. For example:

ng run <app-name>:prerender --routes /product/1 /product/2

Providing additional routes using a file

You can provide routes using a file to generate static pages. This method is useful if you have a large number of routes to generate, such as product details for an e-commerce application, which might come from an external source (Database or CMS).

To provide routes using a file, use the --routes-file option with the name of a .txt file containing the routes.

For example, you could generate this file by using a script to extract IDs from a database and save them to a routes.txt file:


When your .txt file is ready, run the following command to prerender the static files with dynamic values:

ng run <app-name>:prerender --routes-file routes.txt

Prerendering specific routes

You can also pass specific routes to the prerender command. If you choose this option, make sure to disable the guessRoutes option.

ng run <app-name>:prerender --no-guess-routes --routes /product/1 /product/1
Last reviewed on Mon Feb 28 2022

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