ansible / 2.4.6 / vca_vapp_module.html /

vca_vapp - Manages vCloud Air vApp instances.

New in version 2.0.


  • This module will actively managed vCloud Air vApp instances. Instances can be created and deleted as well as both deployed and undeployed.


parameter required default choices comments
no 5.7
The api version to be used with the vca
no None
The authentication host to be used when service type is vcd.
no None
The instance id in a vchs environment to be used for creating the vapp
no pool
  • pool
  • dhcp
  • static
Configures the mode of the network connection.
no None
The name of the network that should be attached to the virtual machine in the vApp. The virtual network specified must already be created in the vCloud Air VDC. If the state is not 'absent' then the network_name argument must be provided.
no noop
  • noop
  • poweron
  • poweroff
  • suspend
  • shutdown
  • reboot
  • reset
Specifies an operation to be performed on the vApp.
no None
The org to login to for creating vapp, mostly set when the service_type is vdc.
no None
The vCloud Air password to use during authentication
no vca
  • vca
  • vchs
  • vcd
The type of service we are authenticating against
no present
  • present
  • absent
  • deployed
  • undeployed
Configures the state of the vApp.
no None
The name of the vApp template to use to create the vApp instance. If the state is not `absent` then the template_name value must be provided. The template_name must be previously uploaded to the catalog specified by catalog_name
no None
The vCloud Air username to use during authentication
The name of the vCloud Air vApp instance
no None
The name of the virtual data center (VDC) where the vm should be created or contains the vAPP.
no None
The number of vCPUs to configure for the VM in the vApp. If the vm_name argument is provided, then this becomes a per VM setting otherwise it is applied to all VMs in the vApp.
no None
The amount of memory in MB to allocate to VMs in the vApp. If the vm_name argument is provided, then this becomes a per VM setting otherise it is applied to all VMs in the vApp.
no None
The name of the virtual machine instance in the vApp to manage.


- name: Creates a new vApp in a VCA instance
    vapp_name: tower
    state: present
    template_name: 'Ubuntu Server 12.04 LTS (amd64 20150127)'
    vdc_name: VDC1
    instance_id: '<your instance id here>'
    username: '<your username here>'
    password: '<your password here>'


This module is flagged as preview which means that it is not guaranteed to have a backwards compatible interface.

For help in developing on modules, should you be so inclined, please read Community Information & Contributing, Testing Ansible and Developing Modules.

© 2012–2018 Michael DeHaan
© 2018–2019 Red Hat, Inc.
Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3.