ansible / 2.7.17 / modules / nxos_install_os_module.html /

nxos_install_os – Set boot options like boot, kickstart image and issu.

New in version 2.2.


  • Install an operating system by setting the boot options like boot image and kickstart image and optionally select to install using ISSU (In Server Software Upgrade).


Parameter Choices/Defaults Comments
added in 2.5
  • required
  • desired
  • yes
  • no
Upgrade using In Service Software Upgrade (ISSU). (Supported on N5k, N7k, N9k platforms)
Selecting 'required' or 'yes' means that upgrades will only proceed if the switch is capable of ISSU.
Selecting 'desired' means that upgrades will use ISSU if possible but will fall back to disruptive upgrade if needed.
Selecting 'no' means do not use ISSU. Forced disruptive.
Name of the kickstart image file on flash. (Not required on all Nexus platforms)
Starting with Ansible 2.5 we recommend using connection: network_cli.
This option is only required if you are using NX-API.
For more information please see the NXOS Platform Options guide.
A dict object containing connection details.
added in 2.5.3
Specifies the password to use if required to enter privileged mode on the remote device. If authorize is false, then this argument does nothing. If the value is not specified in the task, the value of environment variable ANSIBLE_NET_AUTH_PASS will be used instead.
added in 2.5.3
  • no
  • yes
Instructs the module to enter privileged mode on the remote device before sending any commands. If not specified, the device will attempt to execute all commands in non-privileged mode. If the value is not specified in the task, the value of environment variable ANSIBLE_NET_AUTHORIZE will be used instead.
- / required
Specifies the DNS host name or address for connecting to the remote device over the specified transport. The value of host is used as the destination address for the transport.
Specifies the password to use to authenticate the connection to the remote device. This is a common argument used for either cli or nxapi transports. If the value is not specified in the task, the value of environment variable ANSIBLE_NET_PASSWORD will be used instead.
"0 (use common port)"
Specifies the port to use when building the connection to the remote device. This value applies to either cli or nxapi. The port value will default to the appropriate transport common port if none is provided in the task. (cli=22, http=80, https=443).
Specifies the SSH key to use to authenticate the connection to the remote device. This argument is only used for the cli transport. If the value is not specified in the task, the value of environment variable ANSIBLE_NET_SSH_KEYFILE will be used instead.
added in 2.3
Specifies the timeout in seconds for communicating with the network device for either connecting or sending commands. If the timeout is exceeded before the operation is completed, the module will error. NX-API can be slow to return on long-running commands (sh mac, sh bgp, etc).
- / required
Configures the transport connection to use when connecting to the remote device. The transport argument supports connectivity to the device over cli (ssh) or nxapi.
added in 2.5
  • no
  • yes
If no, the environment variables http_proxy and https_proxy will be ignored.
  • no
  • yes
Configures the transport to use SSL if set to true only when the transport=nxapi, otherwise this value is ignored.
Configures the username to use to authenticate the connection to the remote device. This value is used to authenticate either the CLI login or the nxapi authentication depending on which transport is used. If the value is not specified in the task, the value of environment variable ANSIBLE_NET_USERNAME will be used instead.
  • no
  • yes
If no, SSL certificates will not be validated. This should only be used on personally controlled sites using self-signed certificates. If the transport argument is not nxapi, this value is ignored.
- / required
Name of the system (or combined) image file on flash.



  • Tested against the following platforms and images - N9k 7.0(3)I4(6), 7.0(3)I5(3), 7.0(3)I6(1), 7.0(3)I7(1), 7.0(3)F2(2), 7.0(3)F3(2) - N3k 6.0(2)A8(6), 6.0(2)A8(8), 7.0(3)I6(1), 7.0(3)I7(1) - N7k 7.3(0)D1(1), 8.0(1), 8.1(1), 8.2(1)
  • This module requires both the ANSIBLE_PERSISTENT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT and ANSIBLE_PERSISTENT_COMMAND_TIMEOUT timers to be set to 600 seconds or higher. The module will exit if the timers are not set properly.
  • When using connection local, ANSIBLE_PERSISTENT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT and ANSIBLE_PERSISTENT_COMMAND_TIMEOUT can only be set using ENV variables or the ansible.cfg file.
  • Do not include full file paths, just the name of the file(s) stored on the top level flash directory.
  • This module attempts to install the software immediately, which may trigger a reboot.
  • In check mode, the module will indicate if an upgrade is needed and whether or not the upgrade is disruptive or non-disruptive(ISSU).
  • For information on using CLI and NX-API see the NXOS Platform Options guide
  • For more information on using Ansible to manage network devices see the Ansible Network Guide
  • For more information on using Ansible to manage Cisco devices see the Cisco integration page.


- name: Install OS on N9k
  check_mode: no
    system_image_file: nxos.7.0.3.I6.1.bin
    issu: desired

- name: Wait for device to come back up with new image
    port: 22
    state: started
    timeout: 500
    delay: 60
    host: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"

- name: Check installed OS for newly installed version
    commands: ['show version | json']
    provider: "{{ connection }}"
  register: output
- assert:
    - output['stdout'][0]['kickstart_ver_str'] == '7.0(3)I6(1)'

Return Values

Common return values are documented here, the following are the fields unique to this module:

Key Returned Description
Boot and install information.

{'install_state': ['Compatibility check is done:', 'Module bootable Impact Install-type Reason', '------ -------- -------------- ------------ ------', ' 1 yes non-disruptive reset ', 'Images will be upgraded according to following table:', 'Module Image Running-Version(pri:alt) New-Version Upg-Required', '------ ---------- ---------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------', ' 1 nxos 7.0(3)I6(1) 7.0(3)I7(1) yes', ' 1 bios v4.4.0(07/12/2017) v4.4.0(07/12/2017) no']}


Red Hat Support

More information about Red Hat’s support of this module is available from this Red Hat Knowledge Base article.


  • Jason Edelman (@jedelman8)
  • Gabriele Gerbibo (@GGabriele)


If you notice any issues in this documentation you can edit this document to improve it.

© 2012–2018 Michael DeHaan
© 2018–2019 Red Hat, Inc.
Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3.