ansible / 2.8.16 / modules / onepassword_facts_module.html /

onepassword_facts – Gather items from 1Password and set them as facts

New in version 2.7.


  • onepassword_facts wraps the op command line utility to fetch data about one or more 1Password items and return as Ansible facts.
  • A fatal error occurs if any of the items being searched for can not be found.
  • Recommend using with the no_log option to avoid logging the values of the secrets being retrieved.


The below requirements are needed on the host that executes this module.


Parameter Choices/Defaults Comments
A dictionary containing authentication details. If this is set, onepassword_facts will attempt to sign in to 1Password automatically.
Without this option, you must have already logged in via the 1Password CLI before running Ansible.
It is highly recommened to store 1Password credentials in an Ansible Vault. Ensure that the key used to encrypt the Ansible Vault is equal to or greater in strength than the 1Password master password.
- / required
The master password for your subdomain.
This is always required when specifying auto_login.
The secret key for your subdomain.
Only required for initial sign in.
1Password subdomain name (<subdomain>
If this is not specified, the most recent subdomain will be used.
1Password username.
Only required for initial sign in.
Used to specify the exact path to the op command line interface
- / required
A list of one or more search terms.
Each search term can either be a simple string or it can be a dictionary for more control.
When passing a simple string, field is assumed to be password.
When passing a dictionary, the following fields are available.
The name of the field to search for within this item (optional, defaults to "password" (or "document" if the item has an attachment).
The name of the 1Password item to search for (required).
The name of a section within this item containing the specified field (optional, will search all sections if not specified).
The name of the particular 1Password vault to search, useful if your 1Password user has access to multiple vaults (optional).



  • Based on the onepassword lookup plugin by Scott Buchanan <>.
  • This module stores potentially sensitive data from 1Password as Ansible facts. Facts are subject to caching if enabled, which means this data could be stored in clear text on disk or in a database. - Tested with op version 0.5.5


# Gather secrets from 1Password, assuming there is a 'password' field:
- name: Get a password
    search_terms: My 1Password item
  delegate_to: localhost
  no_log: true         # Don't want to log the secrets to the console!

# Gather secrets from 1Password, with more advanced search terms:
- name: Get a password
      - name:    My 1Password item
        field:   Custom field name       # optional, defaults to 'password'
        section: Custom section name     # optional, defaults to 'None'
        vault:   Name of the vault       # optional, only necessary if there is more than 1 Vault available
  delegate_to: localhost
  no_log: True                           # Don't want to log the secrets to the console!

# Gather secrets combining simple and advanced search terms to retrieve two items, one of which we fetch two
# fields. In the first 'password' is fetched, as a field name is not specified (default behaviour) and in the
# second, 'Custom field name' is fetched, as that is specified explicitly.
- name: Get a password
      - My 1Password item                # 'name' is optional when passing a simple string...
      - name: My Other 1Password item    # ...but it can also be set for consistency
      - name:    My 1Password item
        field:   Custom field name       # optional, defaults to 'password'
        section: Custom section name     # optional, defaults to 'None'
        vault:   Name of the vault       # optional, only necessary if there is more than 1 Vault available
      - name: A 1Password item with document attachment
  delegate_to: localhost
  no_log: true                           # Don't want to log the secrets to the console!

Return Values

Common return values are documented here, the following are the fields unique to this module:

Key Returned Description
Dictionary of each 1password item matching the given search terms, shows what would be returned from the third example above.

{'My 1Password item': {'password': 'the value of this field', 'Custom field name': 'the value of this field'}, 'My Other 1Password item': {'password': 'the value of this field'}, 'A 1Password item with document attachment': {'document': 'the contents of the document attached to this item'}}



  • Ryan Conway (@Rylon)


If you notice any issues in this documentation you can edit this document to improve it.

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© 2018–2019 Red Hat, Inc.
Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3.