On this page
- Preface
- Getting Started
- Apache HBase Configuration
- Upgrading
- The Apache HBase Shell
- Data Model
- HBase and Schema Design
- RegionServer Sizing Rules of Thumb
- 36. On the number of column families
- 37. Rowkey Design
- 38. Number of Versions
- 39. Supported Datatypes
- 40. Joins
- 41. Time To Live (TTL)
- 42. Keeping Deleted Cells
- 43. Secondary Indexes and Alternate Query Paths
- 44. Constraints
- 45. Schema Design Case Studies
- 46. Operational and Performance Configuration Options
- 47. Special Cases
- HBase and MapReduce
- 48. HBase, MapReduce, and the CLASSPATH
- 49. MapReduce Scan Caching
- 50. Bundled HBase MapReduce Jobs
- 51. HBase as a MapReduce Job Data Source and Data Sink
- 52. Writing HFiles Directly During Bulk Import
- 53. RowCounter Example
- 54. Map-Task Splitting
- 55. HBase MapReduce Examples
- 56. Accessing Other HBase Tables in a MapReduce Job
- 57. Speculative Execution
- 58. Cascading
- Securing Apache HBase
- Architecture
- In-memory Compaction
- Synchronous Replication
- Apache HBase APIs
- Apache HBase External APIs
- Thrift API and Filter Language
- Apache HBase Coprocessors
- Apache HBase Performance Tuning
- Profiler Servlet
- Troubleshooting and Debugging Apache HBase
- 114. General Guidelines
- 115. Logs
- 116. Resources
- 117. Tools
- 118. Client
- 119. MapReduce
- 120. NameNode
- 121. Network
- 122. RegionServer
- 123. Master
- 124. ZooKeeper
- 125. Amazon EC2
- 126. HBase and Hadoop version issues
- 127. HBase and HDFS
- 128. Running unit or integration tests
- 129. Case Studies
- 130. Cryptographic Features
- 131. Operating System Specific Issues
- 132. JDK Issues
- Apache HBase Case Studies
- Apache HBase Operational Management
- 136. HBase Tools and Utilities
- 137. Region Management
- 138. Node Management
- 139. HBase Metrics
- 140. HBase Monitoring
- 141. Cluster Replication
- 142. Running Multiple Workloads On a Single Cluster
- 143. HBase Backup
- 144. HBase Snapshots
- 145. Storing Snapshots in Microsoft Azure Blob Storage
- 146. Capacity Planning and Region Sizing
- 147. Table Rename
- 148. RegionServer Grouping
- 149. Region Normalizer
- Building and Developing Apache HBase
- Unit Testing HBase Applications
- Protobuf in HBase
- Procedure Framework (Pv2):
- AMv2 Description for Devs
- ZooKeeper
- Community
- Appendix
- Appendix A: Contributing to Documentation
- Appendix B: FAQ
- Appendix C: Access Control Matrix
- Appendix D: Compression and Data Block Encoding In HBase
- Appendix E: SQL over HBase
- Appendix F: YCSB
- Appendix G: HFile format
- Appendix H: Other Information About HBase
- Appendix I: HBase History
- Appendix J: HBase and the Apache Software Foundation
- Appendix K: Apache HBase Orca
- Appendix L: Enabling Dapper-like Tracing in HBase
- 187. Client Modifications
- 188. Tracing from HBase Shell
- Appendix M: 0.95 RPC Specification
- Appendix N: Known Incompatibilities Among HBase Versions
- 189. HBase 2.0 Incompatible Changes