chef / 11 / server_12-8 / server_manage_nodes.html

Manage Nodes



This topic is about using the Chef management console to manage nodes.

A node is any machine—physical, virtual, cloud, network device, etc.—that is under management by Chef.


Nodes can be managed from the Chef management console web user interface.


To delete a node:

  1. Open the Chef management console.

  2. Click Nodes.

  3. Select a node.

  4. Click Delete.

  5. Confirm:


Reset Key

To reset the validation key for a node:

  1. Open the Chef management console.

  2. Click Nodes.

  3. Select a node.

  4. Click Edit Run List.

  5. In the Reset Key dialog box, confirm that the key should be regenerated and click the Regenerate Key button:

  6. In the Reset Key dialog box, copy the key directly from the dialog box or click the Download button to download the key to your local machine:


To search nodes:

  1. Open the Chef management console.

  2. Click Nodes.

  3. In the search box in the upper right, enter the search query and click the search icon.

  4. The results will appear in the list below.

Node Attributes

An attribute is a specific detail about a node. Attributes are used by the chef-client to understand:

  • The current state of the node
  • What the state of the node was at the end of the previous chef-client run
  • What the state of the node should be at the end of the current chef-client run

Attributes are defined by:

  • The state of the node itself
  • Cookbooks (in attribute files and/or recipes)
  • Roles
  • Environments

During every chef-client run, the chef-client builds the attribute list using:

  • Data about the node collected by Ohai
  • The node object that was saved to the Chef server at the end of the previous chef-client run
  • The rebuilt node object from the current chef-client run, after it is updated for changes to cookbooks (attribute files and/or recipes), roles, and/or environments, and updated for any changes to the state of the node itself

After the node object is rebuilt, all of the attributes are compared, and then the node is updated based on attribute precedence. At the end of every chef-client run, the node object that defines the current state of the node is uploaded to the Chef server so that it can be indexed for search.

Edit Attribute

To edit node attributes:

  1. Open the Chef management console.

  2. Click Nodes.

  3. Select a node.

  4. Click the Attributes tab.

  5. Click Edit.

  6. In the Edit Node Attributes dialog box, make your changes:

  7. Click Save Attributes.

View Attributes

To view the attributes for a node:

  1. Open the Chef management console.
  2. Click Nodes.
  3. Select a node.
  4. Click the Attributes tab.
  5. Click Edit.


A run-list defines all of the information necessary for Chef to configure a node into the desired state. A run-list is:

  • An ordered list of roles and/or recipes that are run in the exact order defined in the run-list; if a recipe appears more than once in the run-list, the chef-client will not run it twice
  • Always specific to the node on which it runs; nodes may have a run-list that is identical to the run-list used by other nodes
  • Stored as part of the node object on the Chef server
  • Maintained using knife, and then uploaded from the workstation to the Chef server, or is maintained using the Chef management console

Add Recipe to

To add a role or recipe to a run-list:

  1. Open the Chef management console.

  2. Click Nodes.

  3. Select a node.

  4. Click Edit Run List.

  5. In the Edit Node Run List dialog box, drag the role or recipe from the Available Roles or Available Recipes lists to the current run-list.

  6. Click Save Run List.

Add Role to

To add a role or recipe to a run-list:

  1. Open the Chef management console.

  2. Click Nodes.

  3. Select a node.

  4. Click Edit Run List.

  5. In the Edit Node Run List dialog box, drag the role or recipe from the Available Roles or Available Recipes lists to the current run-list.

  6. Click Save Run List.


To edit a run-list:

  1. Open the Chef management console.
  2. Click Nodes.
  3. Select a node.
  4. Click Edit Run List.
  5. In the Edit Node Run List dialog box, make your changes.
  6. Click Save Run List.

Remove Recipe from

To remove a role or recipe from a run-list:

  1. Open the Chef management console.

  2. Click Nodes.

  3. Select a node.

  4. Click Edit Run List.

  5. In the Edit Node Run List dialog box, drag the role or recipe from the Current Run List to the list of available roles or recipes.

  6. Click Save Run List.

Remove Role from

To remove a role or recipe from a run-list:

  1. Open the Chef management console.

  2. Click Nodes.

  3. Select a node.

  4. Click Edit Run List.

  5. In the Edit Node Run List dialog box, drag the role or recipe from the Current Run List to the list of available roles or recipes.

  6. Click Save Run List.

View Current

To view the current run-list for a node:

  1. Open the Chef management console.

  2. Click Nodes.

  3. Select a node.

  4. Click the Details tab.

  5. The current run-list is shown in the lower right:



Permissions are used in the Chef server to define how users and groups can interact with objects on the server. Permissions are configured per-organization.

The Chef server includes the following object permissions:

Permission Description
Delete Use the Delete permission to define which users and groups may delete an object. This permission is required for any user who uses the knife [object] delete [object_name] argument to interact with objects on the Chef server.
Grant Use the Grant permission to define which users and groups may configure permissions on an object. This permission is required for any user who configures permissions using the Administration tab in the Chef management console.
Read Use the Read permission to define which users and groups may view the details of an object. This permission is required for any user who uses the knife [object] show [object_name] argument to interact with objects on the Chef server.
Update Use the Update permission to define which users and groups may edit the details of an object. This permission is required for any user who uses the knife [object] edit [object_name] argument to interact with objects on the Chef server and for any chef-client to save node data to the Chef server at the conclusion of a chef-client run.


To set permissions list for a node object:

  1. Open the Chef management console.
  2. Click Nodes.
  3. Select a node.
  4. Click the Permissions tab.
  5. For each group listed under Name, select or de-select the Read, Update, Delete, and Grant permissions.


To update the permissions list for a node object:

  1. Open the Chef management console.
  2. Click Nodes.
  3. Select a node.
  4. Click the Permissions tab.
  5. Click the + Add button and enter the name of the user or group to be added.
  6. Select or de-select Read, Update, Delete, and Grant to update the permissions list for the user or group.


To view permissions for a node:

  1. Open the Chef management console.
  2. Click Nodes.
  3. Select a node.
  4. Click the Permissions tab.
  5. Set the appropriate permissions: Delete, Grant, Read, and/or Update.

Manage Tags

A tag is a custom description that is applied to a node. A tag, once applied, can be helpful when managing nodes using knife or when building recipes by providing alternate methods of grouping similar types of information.


To add tags to a node (or a group of nodes):

  1. Open the Chef management console.

  2. Click Nodes.

  3. Select a node (or a group of nodes).

  4. Click Manage Tags.

  5. In the Manage Node Tags dialog box, enter the name of the tag and then select Add Tags from the drop-down.

  6. Click Update Tags.


To delete tags for a node (or a group of nodes):

  1. Open the Chef management console.

  2. Click Nodes.

  3. Select a node (or a group of nodes).

  4. Click Manage Tags.

  5. In the Manage Node Tags dialog box, enter the name of the tag and then select Delete Tags from the drop-down.

  6. Click Update Tags.


To view all of the nodes:

  1. Open the Chef management console.

  2. Click Nodes.

  3. Select a node.

  4. Select the Details tab.

  5. The tags for the node appear under the Tags header:


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