chef / 16.8.14 / delivery_cli / index.html /

Delivery CLI

[edit on GitHub]

The Delivery CLI is the command-line interface for the workflow capabilities in Chef Automate. It sits in-between a local git repository and the Chef Automate server.

Install Delivery CLI

The Delivery CLI is included in Chef Workstation and can be obtained by installing the latest version.

Configure Delivery CLI

Before you use the Delivery CLI from a workstation, you need to provide it with details such as the URL of the Chef Automate server, and the names of the relevant enterprise, organization, and user. The delivery setup subcommand creates a configuration file named .delivery/cli.toml with the required information.

The placement of the .delivery directory in your file hierarchy is significant. Like git, Delivery CLI commands search the current directory and parent directories to locate server settings. Because server settings are unique to an organization, we recommend that you create a directory for each organization you belong to and run the delivery setup command from that directory.


The following settings may be added to the .delivery/cli.toml file:


Bumps the cookbook metadata version number automatically when delivery review is run. Default value: false.

Run Delivery CLI in FIPS Mode

Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) are federal standards for computer systems used by contractors of government agencies and non-military government agencies.

FIPS 140-2 is a specific federal government security standard used to approve cryptographic modules. Chef Automate uses the OpenSSL FIPS Object Module, which satisfies the requirements of software cryptographic modules under the FIPS 140-2 standard. The OpenSSL Object Module provides an API for invoking FIPS approved cryptographic functions from calling applications.

See the main FIPS documentation for more information on what FIPS is and how to enable it.

How to enable FIPS mode for the Chef Automate server


  • Supported Systems - CentOS or Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 or later


If you have FIPS compliance enabled in the operating system at the kernel level and install or reconfigure the Chef Automate server then it will default to running in FIPS mode.

A Chef Automate server running in FIPS mode can only communicate with workstations that are also running in FIPS mode.

If you do need to use FIPS mode, there are a few steps to get it up and running in Delivery CLI on your workstation.

Check if Chef Automate server has enabled FIPS mode

You can see if your Chef Automate server is in FIPS mode by running delivery status. It will say FIPS mode: enabled if it is enabled as well as output some instructions on how to set up your cli.toml to enable FIPS mode locally. If delivery status reports either FIPS mode: disabled or FIPS is missing completely from the report, please see FIPS kernel settings on how to enable FIPS mode in your Chef Automate server before proceeding.

Enable FIPS mode in your cli.toml file

Now that you have confirmed that the Chef Automate server is in FIPS mode, you must enable FIPS mode locally on your workstation for Delivery CLI. This can be done by adding the following to your .delivery/cli.toml:

fips = true
fips_git_port = "OPEN_PORT"
fips_custom_cert_filename = "/full/path/to/your/certificate-chain.pem" # optional

Replace OPEN_PORT with any port that is free locally on localhost.

If you are using a custom certificate authority or a self-signed certificate then you will need the third option. This file should contain to the entire certificate chain in pem format. See FIPS Certificate Management for an example on how to generate the file.

How to enable FIPS mode for workstations


  • Supported Systems - Windows, CentOS and Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Now that FIPS mode is enabled in your .delivery/cli.toml, running any project-specific Delivery CLI command will automatically use FIPS-compliant encrypted git traffic between your workstation and the Chef Automate server. As long as the Chef Automate server is in FIPS mode, no other action is needed on your part to operate Delivery CLI in FIPS mode. If you ever stop using FIPS mode on the Chef Automate server, simply delete the above two lines from your .delivery/cli.toml file and Delivery CLI will stop running in FIPS mode.


You could also pass --fips and --fips-git-port=OPEN_PORT into project specific commands if you do not wish to edit your .delivery/cli.toml. See list of commands below for details..

delivery api

Use the api subcommand to make an HTTP request to the Chef Automate API using the --data option to specify the JSON that contains the data in the request. This request must be authorized using a token generated by the token subcommand.


This subcommand has the following syntax:

delivery api METHOD PATH (options)


  • METHOD is an HTTP method (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) that is supported by the Chef Automate API
  • PATH is an endpoint in the Chef Automate API scoped to the specified Chef Automate enterprise


This subcommand has the following options:


The HTTP port on which the Chef Automate API is listening.


The path for the directory in which configuration is written.

-d=DATA, --data=DATA

The JSON data to submit to the Chef Automate API.


A configured Chef Automate enterprise.


An organization inside a Chef Automate enterprise.

-s=SERVER, --server=SERVER

The server on which Chef Automate is running. This must be the FQDN for the Chef Automate server. For example:

-u=USER, --user=USER

A Chef Automate user name. This user must exist in the specified enterprise (--ent).


A GitHub user name must be associated with Chef Automate in order for changes piped to Chef Automate created by GitHub pull requests to be associated with the corresponding Chef Automate user.


Two GitHub accounts may not be linked to a single Chef Automate user. Two Chef Automate users may not share a single GitHub user name.


You must have previously setup GitHub integration in order for this command to work.

Link a GitHub enterprise user name

delivery api put users/$DELIVERY_NAME/set-oauth-alias --data='{"app":"github-enterprise","alias":"$GITHUB_NAME"}'

Link a user name

delivery api put users/$DELIVERY_NAME/set-oauth-alias --data='{"app":"github","alias":"$GITHUB_NAME"}'

Get list of blocked projects

delivery api get blocked_projects --ent ENTERPRISE --server URL

delivery checkout

Use the checkout subcommand to check out an open change on an existing project.


This subcommand has the following syntax:

delivery checkout CHANGE (options)


  • CHANGE is the name of a feature branch


This subcommand has the following options:


Runs command in FIPS mode. This proxies all git traffic through Stunnel FIPS encryption.


The port Stunnel listens locally on when proxying git traffic.


The path to a pem file that contains a self-signed certificate or certificate chain. Use this setting only when you have a custom certificate authority or a self-signed certificate.

-P=NUMBER, --patchset=NUMBER

The patchset number. Default value: latest.


The name of a Chef Automate pipeline.



delivery clone

Use the clone subcommand to clone a Chef Automate project.


There is a clone command in the Chef Automate web UI on the page for an existing project.


This subcommand has the following syntax:

delivery clone PROJECT (options)


  • PROJECT is the Chef Automate project to be cloned


This subcommand has the following options:


A configured Chef Automate enterprise.


Runs command in FIPS mode. This proxies all git traffic through Stunnel FIPS encryption.


The port Stunnel listens locally on when proxying git traffic.


The path to a pem file that contains a self-signed certificate or certificate chain. Use this setting only when you have a custom certificate authority or a self-signed certificate.

-g=URL, --git-url=URL

The raw git URL for the specified project. This URL is used as the remote target for the local git checkout. If this option is used, the --ent, --org, --server, and --user options are ignored.


An organization inside a Chef Automate enterprise.

-s=SERVER, --server=SERVER

The server on which Chef Automate is running.

-u=USER, --user=USER

A Chef Automate user name.



delivery diff

Use the diff subcommand to perform a git diff between the change and the pipeline.


This subcommand has the following syntax:

delivery diff CHANGE (options)


  • CHANGE is the name of the feature branch associated with the change


This subcommand has the following options:


Runs command in FIPS mode. This proxies all git traffic through Stunnel FIPS encryption.


The port Stunnel listens locally on when proxying git traffic.


The path to a pem file that contains a self-signed certificate or certificate chain. Use this setting only when you have a custom certificate authority or a self-signed certificate.

-l, --local

Run a diff against the local branch HEAD.

-P=NUMBER, --patchset=NUMBER

The patchset number. Default value: latest.


The name of a Chef Automate pipeline.



delivery init

Use the init subcommand to initialize a Chef Automate project. This will set up a local repository in the Chef Automate server, set up a pipeline, and commit a build cookbook specific to the project. Subsequent changes to this repo should be done using the review subcommand.


This subcommand has the following syntax:

delivery init (options)


This subcommand has the following options:


The Bitbucket repository to use for code review with the associated project key.


The path for the directory in which configuration is written.

-c=PATH, --config-json=PATH

The path to a custom config.json file.


A configured Chef Automate enterprise.


Runs command in FIPS mode. This proxies all git traffic through Stunnel FIPS encryption.


The port Stunnel listens locally on when proxying git traffic.


The path to a pem file that contains a self-signed certificate or certificate chain. Use this setting only when you have a custom certificate authority or a self-signed certificate.


The path to a local git repo or the URL to a custom build-cookbook generated by ChefDK. See for more information about using the chef generate commands in ChefDK to generate a build-cookbook.


The GitHub repository to use for code review with the associated organization. See --no-verify-ssl.

-l, --local

Run locally without the Chef Automate server.

-n, --no-open

Prevent opening a browser that shows the pipeline in Chef Automate web UI.


Specifies that SSL verification is not used with a GitHub repository. See --github.


An organization inside a Chef Automate enterprise.

-p=PROJECT, --project=PROJECT

A project inside a Chef Automate organization.


The name of a Chef Automate pipeline.

-r=REPO_NAME, --repo-name=REPO_NAME

The name of the repository. This will vary, depending on whether it’s located in git, GitHub, or Bitbucket.

-s=SERVER, --server=SERVER

The server on which Chef Automate is running.


Skip the creation of a build-cookbook when initializing a project.


The type of project. Default value: cookbook.

-u=USER, --user=USER

A Chef Automate user name.


Initialize project with Bitbucket repository

To initialize a project using a Bitbucket repository, run a command similar to:

delivery init --bitbucket PROJECT_KEY -r REPO_NAME

where PROJECT_KEY is the name of the project key in Bitbucket and REPO_NAME is the name of the repository in Bitbucket. For example to initialize the anagrams repository in Bitbucket with the TEST project key:

delivery init --bitbucket TEST -r anagrams

and returns output similar to:

Chef Delivery
Loading configuration from /Users/justinc/chef/delivery/organizations/sandbox/anagrams
Is /Users/justinc/chef/delivery/organizations/sandbox/anagrams a git repo?  yes
Creating bitbucket project: anagrams  created
adding remote delivery: ssh://justinc@[email protected]:8989/Chef/sandbox/anagrams
Remote 'delivery' added to git config!
Checking for content on the git remote delivery: No upstream content
Pushing local content to server:
To ssh://justinc@[email protected]:8989/Chef/sandbox/anagrams
*   refs/heads/master:refs/heads/master [new branch]
Branch master set up to track remote branch master from delivery.

Creating and checking out add-delivery-config feature branch: done
Generating build cookbook skeleton
Using cached copy of build-cookbook generator "/Users/justinc/.delivery/cache/generator-cookbooks/pcb"
Build-cookbook generated: "chef" "generate" "cookbook" ".delivery/build-cookbook" "-g" "/Users/justinc/.delivery/cache/generator-cookbooks/pcb"
Adding and committing build-cookbook: done
Writing configuration to /Users/justinc/chef/delivery/organizations/sandbox/anagrams/.delivery/config.json
New delivery configuration
  "version": "2",
  "build_cookbook": {
    "name": "build-cookbook",
    "path": ".delivery/build-cookbook"
  "skip_phases": [],
  "build_nodes": {},
  "dependencies": []
Git add and commit delivery config: done
Chef Delivery
Loading configuration from /Users/justinc/chef/delivery/organizations/sandbox/anagrams
Review for change add-delivery-config targeted for pipeline master
Created new patchset
  anagrams git:(add-delivery-config)

Initialize project with GitHub repository

To initialize a project using a GitHub repository, run a command similar to:

delivery init --github ORG_NAME -r REPO_NAME

where ORG_NAME is the name of the GitHub organization and REPO_NAME is the name of the repository in GitHub. For example to initialize the seapower repository in GitHub with the chef-cookbooks organization:

delivery init --github chef-cookbooks -r seapower

and returns output similar to:

Chef Delivery
Loading configuration from /Users/albertatom/chef/delivery/organizations/sandbox/seapower
Is /Users/albertatom/chef/delivery/organizations/sandbox/seapower a git repo?  yes
Project seapower already exists.
Creating and checking out add-delivery-config feature branch: done
Generating build cookbook skeleton
Using cached copy of build-cookbook generator "/Users/albertatom/.delivery/cache/generator-cookbooks/pcb"
Build-cookbook generated: "chef" "generate" "cookbook" ".delivery/build-cookbook" "-g" "/Users/albertatom/.delivery/cache/generator-cookbooks/pcb"
Adding and committing build-cookbook: done
Writing configuration to /Users/albertatom/chef/delivery/organizations/sandbox/seapower/.delivery/config.json
New delivery configuration
  "version": "2",
  "build_cookbook": {
    "path": ".delivery/build-cookbook",
    "name": "build-cookbook"
  "skip_phases": [],
  "build_nodes": {},
  "dependencies": []
Git add and commit delivery config: done
Push add-delivery-config branch and create Pull Request

Add build-cookbook from private Supermarket

The following example shows how to add a build cookbook after the initialization process

delivery init -skip-build-cookbook

and then update the config.json file for the delivery-truck cookbook and the path to the cookbook in a private Chef Supermarket:

  "version": "2",
  "build_cookbook": {
    "name": "delivery-truck",
    "supermarket": "true",
    "site": ""

Initialize project with custom pipeline

To initialize a project using a GitHub repository, run a command similar to:

delivery init --generator PATH_TO_COOKBOOK -c PATH_TO_CONFIG -f PIPELINE

where PATH_TO_COOKBOOK is path to the cookbook generator, PATH_TO_CONFIG is the path to a config.json file, and PIPELINE is the name of a pipeline in Chef Automate. For example to initialize a pipeline using the bc-generator cookbook generator and the trunk pipeline:

delivery init --generator -c /Users/albertatom/chef/delivery/.delivery/config.json -f trunk

returns output similar to:

Chef Delivery
Loading configuration from /Users/albertatom/chef/delivery/organizations/sandbox/seapower
Is /Users/albertatom/chef/delivery/organizations/sandbox/seapower a git repo?  yes
Creating delivery project: seapower  created
adding remote delivery: ssh://albertatom@[email protected]:8989/Chef/sandbox/seapower
Remote 'delivery' added to git config!
Checking for content on the git remote delivery: No upstream content
Pushing local content to server:
To ssh://albertatom@[email protected]:8989/Chef/sandbox/seapower
*   refs/heads/master:refs/heads/master [new branch]
Branch master set up to track remote branch master from delivery.

Creating trunk  pipeline for project: seapower:  created
Creating and checking out add-delivery-config feature branch: done
Generating build cookbook skeleton
Downloading build-cookbook generator from ""
Build-cookbook generated: "chef" "generate" "cookbook" ".delivery/build-cookbook" "-g" "/Users/albertatom/.delivery/cache/generator-cookbooks/bc-generator"
Adding and committing build-cookbook: done
Copying configuration to /Users/albertatom/chef/delivery/organizations/sandbox/seapower/.delivery/config.json
New delivery configuration
  "version": "2",
  "build_cookbook": {
    "path": ".delivery/build-cookbook",
    "name": "build-cookbook"
  "skip_phases": [
  "build_nodes": {},
  "delivery-truck": {
    "publish": {
      "chef_server": true
  "dependencies": []

Git add and commit delivery config: done
Chef Delivery
Loading configuration from /Users/albertatom/chef/delivery/organizations/sandbox/seapower
Review for change add-delivery-config targeted for pipeline trunk
Created new patchset
  seapower git:(add-delivery-config)

delivery job

Use the job subcommand to execute a Chef Automate phase. This command starts two Chef Infra Client runs: the first is based on the default recipe in a build cookbook and the second is based on the specified Chef Automate phase.


This subcommand has the following syntax:

delivery job STAGE PHASE (options)


  • STAGE is a stage in the Chef Automate pipeline: Verify, Build, Acceptance, Union, Rehearsal, Delivered
  • PHASE is a phase, which runs recipes, in a Chef Automate stage


This subcommand has the following options:

-b=BRANCH, --branch=BRANCH

A branch name for a Chef Automate change.

-C=CHANGE, --change=CHANGE

A branch name for a Chef Automate change.


The unique identifier for the specified Chef Automate change.


The Docker image in which the job is run.


A configured Chef Automate enterprise.


Runs command in FIPS mode. This proxies all git traffic through Stunnel FIPS encryption.


The port Stunnel listens locally on when proxying git traffic.


The path to a pem file that contains a self-signed certificate or certificate chain. Use this setting only when you have a custom certificate authority or a self-signed certificate.

-g=URL, --git-url=URL

The raw git URL for the specified project. This URL is used as the remote target for the local git checkout when the job is run. If this option is used, the --ent, --org, --server, and --user options are ignored.

-j=PATH, --job-root=PATH

The path to the job root.

-l, --local

Run locally without the Chef Automate server.

-n, --no-spinner

Disable the spinner.


An organization inside a Chef Automate enterprise.

-p=PROJECT, --project=PROJECT

A project inside a Chef Automate organization.

-P=NUMBER, --patchset=NUMBER

The patchset number. Default value: latest.


The name of a Chef Automate phase.


The name of a Chef Automate pipeline.

-s=SERVER, --server=SERVER

The server on which Chef Automate is running.

-S=GIT_SHA, --shasum=GIT_SHA

The git SHA associated with a patchset.


Skip the default.rb recipe in the build-cookbook.

-u=USER, --user=USER

A Chef Automate user name.


Verify a job

To run your unit tests on your local machine the same way they’d be run on Chef Automate, run the following command:

delivery job verify unit --local

which will return output similar to:

Chef Delivery
Loading configuration from /Users/adam/src/opscode/delivery/opscode/delivery-cli
Starting job for verify unit
Creating workspace
Cloning repository, and merging adam/job to master
Configuring the job
Running the job
Starting Chef Client, version 11.18.0.rc.1
resolving cookbooks for run list: ["delivery_rust::unit"]
Synchronizing Cookbooks:
  - delivery_rust
  - build-essential
Compiling Cookbooks...
Converging 2 resources
Recipe: delivery_rust::unit
  * execute[cargo clean] action run
    - execute cargo clean
  * execute[cargo test] action run
    - execute cargo test

Running handlers:
Running handlers complete
Chef Client finished, 2/2 resources updated in 32.770955 seconds

delivery local

Use the local subcommand to run Delivery phase or stage on your local Chef Workstation installation, based on settings in the project.toml file located in the project’s .delivery directory.


This subcommand has the following syntax:

delivery local PHASE|STAGE

where PHASE is one of the following:

  • lint
  • syntax
  • unit
  • provision
  • deploy
  • smoke
  • functional
  • cleanup

and STAGE will execute a series of phases in the following order: * verify: [lint, syntax, unit] * acceptance: [provision, deploy, smoke, functional, cleanup] * all: [lint, syntax, unit, provision, deploy, smoke, functional, cleanup]



Phases are defined in the project.toml file in the following format:

name_of_phase = 'command to execute locally'

Example configuration for commands to run locally:

unit = 'rspec spec/'
lint = 'cookstyle'
syntax = 'echo skipping syntax phase'

Remote project.toml

You can use a project.toml file located in a remote location by specifying a URI in the following format:

remote_file = 'https://url-for-my-project.toml'

This is useful for teams that wish to centrally manage the behavior of the delivery local command across many different projects. Alternatively, you can provide the URI via the -r flag:

delivery local syntax -r https://url-for-my-project.toml

Providing the URI through this manner will take precedence over anything configured in the local project.toml.


Run Cookstyle

If the project.toml file contains:

unit = 'rspec spec/'
lint = 'cookstyle --only ChefCorrectness'
syntax = 'echo skipping syntax phase'
provision = 'kitchen create'
deploy = 'kitchen converge'
smoke = 'kitchen verify'
cleanup = 'kitchen destroy'

the command

delivery local lint

will run Cookstyle and execute the following command locally:

cookstyle --only ChefCorrectness

Run Verify Stage

If the project.toml file contains:

unit = 'rspec spec/'
lint = 'cookstyle --only ChefCorrectness'
syntax = 'echo skipping syntax phase'
provision = 'kitchen create'
deploy = 'kitchen converge'
smoke = 'kitchen verify'
cleanup = 'kitchen destroy'

the command

delivery local lint

will run lint, syntax and unit phases in that order:

Chef Delivery
Running Lint Phase
Inspecting 45 files

45 files inspected, no offenses detected

delivery review

Use the review subcommand to submit a feature branch for review as a new patchset. This either creates a new change associated with the feature branch, or adds a new patchset on an existing change in the pipeline. When the new patchset has been created, the Verify stage for the associated change is automatically triggered and runs the unit, lint and syntax phases. By default, this action opens a browser window to show the pipeline in Chef Automate.


This subcommand has the following syntax:

delivery review (options)


This subcommand has the following options:

-a, --auto-bump

Bumps the cookbook metadata version number automatically when delivery review is run.


Edit the title and description for the change.


Runs command in FIPS mode. This proxies all git traffic through Stunnel FIPS encryption.


The port Stunnel listens locally on when proxying git traffic.


The path to a pem file that contains a self-signed certificate or certificate chain. Use this setting only when you have a custom certificate authority or a self-signed certificate.


Prevent opening a browser that shows the pipeline in Chef Automate web UI.


The name of a Chef Automate pipeline.


Bump version metadata automatically

delivery review --auto-bump

will return something similar to:

Chef Delivery
Loading configuration from /Users/albertatom/delivery/organizations/sandbox/coffee
Project coffee is a cookbook
Validating version in metadata
The version hasn't been updated (0.1.0)
Bumping version to: 0.1.1
Review for change black targeted for pipeline master
Created new patchset

delivery setup

Use the setup subcommand to set up the Chef Automate project. This will set up the configuration needed for a project to communicate with the Chef Automate server. Use the token subcommand to get an API token that allows authorized requests to be made to the server.


This subcommand has the following syntax:

delivery setup (options)


This subcommand has the following options:


The path for the directory in which configuration is written.


A configured Chef Automate enterprise.


An organization inside a Chef Automate enterprise.


The name of a Chef Automate pipeline.

-s=SERVER, --server=SERVER

The server on which Chef Automate is running.

-u=USER, --user=USER

A Chef Automate user name.



delivery status

Get status information about the Chef Automate server’s _status endpoint, API response time, and additional information depending on the server’s configuration.


This subcommand has the following syntax:

delivery status (options)


This subcommand has the following options:


The HTTP port on which the Chef Automate API is listening.


Output in JSON format instead of human readable.


Prevent color output.

-s=SERVER, --server=SERVER

The server on which Chef Automate is running.


delivery status

Status information for Automate server

Status: up (request took 75 ms)
Configuration Mode: standalone
FIPS Mode: enabled
  status: not_running
  status: up
  status: up
    status: up
    status: up

Your Automate Server is configured in FIPS mode.
Please add the following to your cli.toml to enable Automate FIPS mode on your machine:

fips = true
fips_git_port = "OPEN_PORT"

Replace OPEN_PORT with any port that is free on your machine.

delivery token

Use the token subcommand to manage a Chef Automate API token.


If you’re running this command on Windows in Git Bash with MinTTY you must include winpty before delivery token to avoid errors.


This subcommand has the following syntax:

delivery token (options)


You can also pass in your Chef Automate password through an environment variable to the delivery token subcommand. If this variable is set, you will not be asked to input your password.

AUTOMATE_PASSWORD=secret delivery token -s -e myent -u token


This subcommand has the following options:


The HTTP port on which the Chef Automate API is listening.


A configured Chef Automate enterprise.


Print the raw token.

-s=SERVER, --server=SERVER

The server on which Chef Automate is running.

-u=USER, --user=USER

A Chef Automate user name.


Verify if a token is a valid token.


Verify a token

delivery token --verify

returns something similar to:

Chef Delivery
Loading configuration from /Users/dennisteck/chef/delivery
token: GmTtD0t7asgy5KZyw//r/6etpXYfw8dfgQccjdeU=
Verifying Token: valid

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Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
The Chef™ Mark and Chef Logo are either registered trademarks/service marks or trademarks/servicemarks of Chef, in the United States and other countries and are used with Chef Inc's permission.
We are not affiliated with, endorsed or sponsored by Chef Inc.