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Pattern Library Introduction

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Chef Habitat Pattern Library

The Chef Habitat Pattern Library is an evolving set of design patterns to use as starting-points. These patterns are examples and require configuration and customization for your unique situation.

For help with Chef Habitat and these patterns, ask:

Kubernetes Bastion Ring Pattern

A bastion ring is a robust type of Supervisor network in which a small number of Supervisors are set up as permanent peers and that are dedicated to anchoring Supervisor network communication. These Supervisors are designated solely for communication between Supervisor and do not run services. These solely to anchor the entire Supervisor network. See Supervisor Networks for more information. The following examples demonstrate running a bastion ring in Kubernetes.

Kubernetes Bastion Ring Plan

pkg_svc_run="while true; do sleep 60; done"

do_build() {
  return 0

do_install() {
  return 0

Kubernetes Bastion Ring Producer Pattern

---apiVersion:v1kind:Servicemetadata:name:hab-bastionspec:ports:- name:gossip-listenerprotocol:UDPport:9638targetPort:9638- name:http-gatewayprotocol:TCPport:9631targetPort:9631selector:app:hab-bastionclusterIP:None---apiVersion:apps/v1kind:StatefulSetmetadata:name:hab-bastionspec:selector:matchLabels:app:hab-bastionserviceName:hab-bastionreplicas:1template:metadata:labels:app:hab-bastionspec:terminationGracePeriodSeconds:10securityContext:fsGroup:42containers:- name:hab-bastionimage:irvingpop/hab_bastion:latestargs:- '--permanent-peer'resources:requests:memory:"100Mi"cpu:"100m"# equivalent to 0.1 of a CPU coreports:- name:gossip-listenerprotocol:UDPcontainerPort:9638- name:http-gatewayprotocol:TCPcontainerPort:9631readinessProbe:httpGet:path:/port:9631initialDelaySeconds:5periodSeconds:10livenessProbe:httpGet:path:/port:9631initialDelaySeconds:15periodSeconds:20volumeMounts:- name:hab-bastionmountPath:/hab/supvolumeClaimTemplates:- metadata:name:hab-bastionspec:accessModes:["ReadWriteOnce"]# uncomment if you don't have a default storageclass# storageClassName: "standard"resources:requests:storage:10Gi

Kubernetes Bastion Ring Consumer Pattern

apiVersion:apps/v1kind:StatefulSetmetadata:name:cockroachdbspec:selector:matchLabels:app:cockroachdbserviceName:cockroachdbreplicas:3template:metadata:labels:app:cockroachdbspec:terminationGracePeriodSeconds:10securityContext:fsGroup:42containers:- name:cockroachdbimage:irvingpop/cockroach:latestargs:- --peer- hab-bastion- --topology- leader#        env:#        - name: HAB_COCKROACH#          value: |resources:requests:memory:"300Mi"cpu:"500m"# equivalent to 0.5 CPU coreports:- name:httpcontainerPort:8080- name:cockroachdbcontainerPort:26257volumeMounts:- name:cockroachdb-datamountPath:/hab/svc/cockroach/datavolumeClaimTemplates:- metadata:name:cockroachdb-dataspec:accessModes:["ReadWriteOnce"]resources:requests:storage:10Gi

hab pkg download Patterns

The hab pkg download command can be used to download individual packages (along with their dependencies and keys) from Builder, without installing them. This allows you to more easily transfer packages from one Builder instance to another, or to take a selective snapshot of particular packages.

While you can download packages one-at-a-time, it can be more convenient to use a file to specify your packages. Two formats are recognized: plain text and TOML.

Plain Text Download Descriptors

The simplest thing you can do is create a plain text file with a package identifier on each line, like so:

# These are the packages needed to run a Supervisor

Each line is a valid package identifier. You can also add comments using #.

To download these packages (and their dependencies), save that to a file named supervisor.txt and run:

hab pkg download --file=supervisor.txt

This will download the packages into your existing Habitat cache directory. Alternatively, you can specify a directory using the --download-directory option.

(You can also specify --channel and --target to further control which specific packages you download; run hab pkg download --help for more).

TOML Download Descriptors

Plain text is fine for simple cases, but has drawbacks. For instance, all packages will come from the same channel and will be for the same platform target. For maximum flexibility, you’ll want to use TOML to write your download descriptor. Here is an example of one that the Habitat core team uses to take periodic snapshots of everything needed to run Builder itself:

format_version = 1
file_descriptor = "Packages needed to run an instance of Builder"

channel = "stable"
packages = [
  # Supervisor and prerequisites

  # Utilities

# Targets can be repeated to specify additional subsets of packages,
# possibly from different channels
channel = "stable"
packages = [
  # Builder services

channel = "stable"
packages = [
  # Supervisor and prerequisites


channel = "stable"
packages = [
  # Supervisor and prerequisites


This format allows us to specify multiple subsets of packages from different channels and for different architectures. Here, we are pulling down all the core service packages, which run on Linux, but are also pulling down the platform-specific versions of the habitat/builder-worker package. Without this format, we would have to invoke hab pkg download multiple times with different parameters. The file allows us to capture our full intention in one place.

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