On this page
Read and write data in the zip archive format.
- Standards:
The current implementation mostly conforms to ISO/IEC 21320-1:2015, which means,
- that files can only be stored uncompressed or using the deflate mechanism,
- that encryption features are not used,
- that digital signature features are not used,
- that patched data features are not used, and
- that archives may not span multiple volumes.
- zip bombs which generate gigantic amounts of unpacked data
- zip archives that contain overlapping records
- chameleon zip archives which generate different unpacked data, depending on the implementation of the unpack algorithm
- Usage
- There are two main ways of usage: Extracting files from a zip archive and storing files into a zip archive. These can be mixed though (e.g. read an archive, remove some files, add others and write the new archive).
- Examples:
Example for reading an existing zip archive:
Example for writing files into a zip archive:import std.stdio : writeln, writefln; import std.file : read; import std.zip; void main(string[] args) { // read a zip file into memory auto zip = new ZipArchive(read(args[1])); // iterate over all zip members writefln("%-10s %-8s Name", "Length", "CRC-32"); foreach (name, am; zip.directory) { // print some data about each member writefln("%10s %08x %s", am.expandedSize, am.crc32, name); assert(am.expandedData.length == 0); // decompress the archive member zip.expand(am); assert(am.expandedData.length == am.expandedSize); } }
import std.file : write; import std.string : representation; import std.zip; void main() { // Create an ArchiveMembers for each file. ArchiveMember file1 = new ArchiveMember(); file1.name = "test1.txt"; file1.expandedData("Test data.\n".dup.representation); file1.compressionMethod = CompressionMethod.none; // don't compress ArchiveMember file2 = new ArchiveMember(); file2.name = "test2.txt"; file2.expandedData("More test data.\n".dup.representation); file2.compressionMethod = CompressionMethod.deflate; // compress // Create an archive and add the member. ZipArchive zip = new ZipArchive(); // add ArchiveMembers zip.addMember(file1); zip.addMember(file2); // Build the archive void[] compressed_data = zip.build(); // Write to a file write("test.zip", compressed_data); }
- License:
- Boost License 1.0.
- Authors:
- Walter Bright
- Source
- std/zip.d
- class ZipException: object.Exception;
Thrown on error.
- enum CompressionMethod: ushort;
Compression method used by
.- none
No compression, just archiving.
- deflate
Deflate algorithm. Use zlib library to compress.
- class ArchiveMember;
A single file or directory inside the archive.
- string name;
The name of the archive member; it is used to index the archive directory for the member. Each member must have a unique name. Do not change without removing member from the directory first.
- ubyte[] extra;
The content of the extra data field for this member. See original documentation for a description of the general format of this data. May contain undocumented 3rd-party data.
- string comment;
Comment associated with this member.
- ushort flags;
Contains some information on how to extract this archive. See original documentation for details.
- ushort internalAttributes;
Internal attributes. Bit 1 is set, if the member is apparently in binary format and bit 2 is set, if each record is preceded by the length of the record.
- const pure nothrow @nogc @property @safe ushort extractVersion();
The zip file format version needed to extract this member.
- Returns:
- Format version needed to extract this member.
- const pure nothrow @nogc @property @safe uint crc32();
Cyclic redundancy check (CRC) value.
- Returns:
- CRC32 value.
- const pure nothrow @nogc @property @safe uint compressedSize();
Size of data of member in compressed form.
- Returns:
- Size of the compressed archive.
- const pure nothrow @nogc @property @safe uint expandedSize();
Size of data of member in uncompressed form.
- Returns:
- Size of uncompressed archive.
- deprecated const pure nothrow @nogc @property @safe ushort diskNumber();
Should be 0.
- Returns:
- The number of the disk where this member can be found.
- pure nothrow @nogc @property @safe ubyte[] compressedData();
Data of member in compressed form.
- Returns:
- The file data in compressed form.
pure nothrow @nogc @property @safe ubyte[] expandedData();
@property @safe void expandedData(ubyte[] ed); -
Get or set data of member in uncompressed form. When an existing archive is read
needs to be called before this can be accessed.- Parameters:
ubyte[] ed
Expanded Data.
- Returns:
- The file data.
@property @safe void fileAttributes(uint attr);
const nothrow @nogc @property uint fileAttributes(); -
Get or set the OS specific file attributes for this archive member.
- Parameters:
uint attr
Attributes as obtained by std.file.getAttributes
- Returns:
- The file attributes or 0 if the file attributes were encoded for an incompatible OS (Windows vs. POSIX).
const pure nothrow @nogc @property @safe DosFileTime time();
@property void time(SysTime time);
pure nothrow @nogc @property @safe void time(DosFileTime time); -
Get or set the last modification time for this member.
- Parameters:
SysTime time
Time to set (will be saved as DosFileTime, which is less accurate).
- Returns:
- The last modification time in DosFileFormat.
const pure nothrow @nogc @property @safe CompressionMethod compressionMethod();
pure @property @safe void compressionMethod(CompressionMethod cm); -
Get or set compression method used for this member.
- Parameters:
CompressionMethod cm
Compression method.
- Returns:
- Compression method.
- See Also:
pure nothrow @nogc @property @safe uint index(uint value);
const pure nothrow @nogc @property @safe uint index(); -
The index of this archive member within the archive. Set this to a different value for reordering the members of an archive.
- Parameters:
uint value
Index value to set.
- Returns:
- The index.
- class ZipArchive;
Object representing the entire archive. ZipArchives are collections of ArchiveMembers.
- string comment;
The archive comment. Must be less than 65536 bytes in length.
- pure nothrow @nogc @property @safe ubyte[] data();
Array representing the entire contents of the archive.
- Returns:
- Data of the entire contents of the archive.
- deprecated const pure nothrow @nogc @property @safe uint diskNumber();
0 since multi-disk zip archives are not supported.
- Returns:
- Number of this disk.
- deprecated const pure nothrow @nogc @property @safe uint diskStartDir();
0 since multi-disk zip archives are not supported.
- Returns:
- Number of the disk, where the central directory starts.
deprecated const pure nothrow @nogc @property @safe uint numEntries();
const pure nothrow @nogc @property @safe uint totalEntries(); -
Number of ArchiveMembers in the directory.
- Returns:
- The number of files in this archive.
const pure nothrow @nogc @property @safe bool isZip64();
pure nothrow @nogc @property @safe void isZip64(bool value); -
True when the archive is in Zip64 format. Set this to true to force building a Zip64 archive.
- Parameters:
bool value
True, when the archive is forced to be build in Zip64 format.
- Returns:
- True, when the archive is in Zip64 format.
- pure nothrow @nogc @property @safe ArchiveMember[string] directory();
Associative array indexed by the name of each member of the archive.
All the members of the archive can be accessed with a foreach loop:
- Example
ZipArchive archive = new ZipArchive(data); foreach (ArchiveMember am; archive.directory) { writefln("member name is '%s'", am.name); }
- Returns:
- Associative array with all archive members.
- pure nothrow @nogc @safe this();
Constructor to use when creating a new archive.
- @safe void addMember(ArchiveMember de);
Add a member to the archive. The file is compressed on the fly.
- Parameters:
ArchiveMember de
Member to be added.
- Throws:
- ZipException when an unsupported compression method is used or when compression failed.
- @safe void deleteMember(ArchiveMember de);
Delete member
from the archive. Uses the name of the member to detect which element to delete.- Parameters:
ArchiveMember de
Member to be deleted.
- pure @safe void[] build();
Construct the entire contents of the current members of the archive.
Fills in the properties data[], totalEntries, and directory[]. For each ArchiveMember, fills in properties crc32, compressedSize, compressedData[].
- Returns:
- Array representing the entire archive.
- Throws:
- ZipException when the archive could not be build.
- this(void[] buffer);
Constructor to use when reading an existing archive.
Fills in the properties data[], totalEntries, comment[], and directory[]. For each ArchiveMember, fills in properties madeVersion, extractVersion, flags, compressionMethod, time, crc32, compressedSize, expandedSize, compressedData[], internalAttributes, externalAttributes, name[], extra[], comment[]. Use expand() to get the expanded data for each ArchiveMember.
- Parameters:
void[] buffer
The entire contents of the archive.
- Throws:
- ZipException when the archive was invalid or when malware was detected.
- ubyte[] expand(ArchiveMember de);
Decompress the contents of a member.
Fills in properties extractVersion, flags, compressionMethod, time, crc32, compressedSize, expandedSize, expandedData[], name[], extra[].
- Parameters:
ArchiveMember de
Member to be decompressed.
- Returns:
- The expanded data.
- Throws:
- ZipException when the entry is invalid or the compression method is not supported.
© 1999–2021 The D Language Foundation
Licensed under the Boost License 1.0.