deno / 1.23.2 / ~ / formdata.html /


Provides a way to easily construct a set of key/value pairs representing form fields and their values, which can then be easily sent using the XMLHttpRequest.send() method. It uses the same format a form would use if the encoding type were set to "multipart/form-data".

interface FormData {
[[Symbol.iterator]]() : IterableIterator<[string, FormDataEntryValue]>;
name: string,
value: string | Blob,
fileName?: string,
) : void;
delete( name: string) : void;
entries() : IterableIterator<[string, FormDataEntryValue]>;
forEach( callback: (
key: string,
parent: this,
) => void
, thisArg?: any) : void;
get( name: string) : FormDataEntryValue | null;
getAll( name: string) : FormDataEntryValue[];
has( name: string) : boolean;
keys() : IterableIterator<string>;
name: string,
value: string | Blob,
fileName?: string,
) : void;
values() : IterableIterator<string>;
var FormData : {
prototype: FormData;
new (): FormData;


[[Symbol.iterator]]() : IterableIterator<[string, FormDataEntryValue]>
name: string,
value: string | Blob,
fileName?: string,
) : void
delete( name: string) : void
entries() : IterableIterator<[string, FormDataEntryValue]>
forEach( callback: (
key: string,
parent: this,
) => void
, thisArg?: any) : void
get( name: string) : FormDataEntryValue | null
getAll( name: string) : FormDataEntryValue[]
has( name: string) : boolean
keys() : IterableIterator<string>
name: string,
value: string | Blob,
fileName?: string,
) : void
values() : IterableIterator<string>

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