function _drupal_file_scan_cache


Returns the current list of cached file system scan results.

Return value

An associative array tracking the most recent file scan results for all files that have had scans performed. The keys are the type and name of the item that was searched for, and the values can be either:

  • Boolean FALSE if the item was not found in the file system.
  • A string pointing to the location where the item was found.


includes/, line 975
Functions that need to be loaded on every Drupal request.


function &_drupal_file_scan_cache() {
  $file_scans = &drupal_static(__FUNCTION__, array());

  // The file scan results are stored in a persistent cache (in addition to the
  // static cache) but because this function can be called before the
  // persistent cache is available, we must merge any items that were found
  // earlier in the page request into the results from the persistent cache.
  if (!isset($file_scans['#cache_merge_done'])) {
    try {
      if (function_exists('cache_get')) {
        $cache = cache_get('_drupal_file_scan_cache', 'cache_bootstrap');
        if (!empty($cache->data)) {
          // File scan results from the current request should take precedence
          // over the results from the persistent cache, since they are newer.
          $file_scans = drupal_array_merge_deep($cache->data, $file_scans);
        // Set a flag to indicate that the persistent cache does not need to be
        // merged again.
        $file_scans['#cache_merge_done'] = TRUE;
    catch (Exception $e) {
      // Hide the error.

  return $file_scans;

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