function drupal_error_levels


Maps PHP error constants to watchdog severity levels.

The error constants are documented at

Related topics


includes/, line 16
Functions for error handling.


function drupal_error_levels() {
  $types = array(
    E_ERROR => array('Error', WATCHDOG_ERROR),
    E_WARNING => array('Warning', WATCHDOG_WARNING),
    E_PARSE => array('Parse error', WATCHDOG_ERROR),
    E_NOTICE => array('Notice', WATCHDOG_NOTICE),
    E_CORE_ERROR => array('Core error', WATCHDOG_ERROR),
    E_CORE_WARNING => array('Core warning', WATCHDOG_WARNING),
    E_COMPILE_ERROR => array('Compile error', WATCHDOG_ERROR),
    E_COMPILE_WARNING => array('Compile warning', WATCHDOG_WARNING),
    E_USER_ERROR => array('User error', WATCHDOG_ERROR),
    E_USER_WARNING => array('User warning', WATCHDOG_WARNING),
    E_USER_NOTICE => array('User notice', WATCHDOG_NOTICE),
    E_STRICT => array('Strict warning', WATCHDOG_DEBUG),
    E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR => array('Recoverable fatal error', WATCHDOG_ERROR),
  // E_DEPRECATED and E_USER_DEPRECATED were added in PHP 5.3.0.
  if (defined('E_DEPRECATED')) {
    $types[E_DEPRECATED] = array('Deprecated function', WATCHDOG_DEBUG);
    $types[E_USER_DEPRECATED] = array('User deprecated function', WATCHDOG_DEBUG);
  return $types;

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