function _install_select_profile


Selects an installation profile.

A profile will be selected if:

  • Only one profile is available,
  • A profile was submitted through $_POST,
  • Exactly one of the profiles is marked as "exclusive".

If multiple profiles are marked as "exclusive" then no profile will be selected.


array $profiles: An associative array of profiles with the machine-readable names as keys.

Return value

The machine-readable name of the selected profile or NULL if no profile was selected.


includes/, line 1096
API functions for installing Drupal.


function _install_select_profile($profiles) {
  if (sizeof($profiles) == 0) {
    throw new Exception(install_no_profile_error());
  // Don't need to choose profile if only one available.
  if (sizeof($profiles) == 1) {
    $profile = array_pop($profiles);
    // TODO: is this right?
    require_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/' . $profile->uri;
    return $profile->name;
  else {
    foreach ($profiles as $profile) {
      if (!empty($_POST['profile']) && ($_POST['profile'] == $profile->name)) {
        return $profile->name;
  // Check for a profile marked as "exclusive" and ensure that only one
  // profile is marked as such.
  $exclusive_profile = NULL;
  foreach ($profiles as $profile) {
    $profile_info = install_profile_info($profile->name);
    if (!empty($profile_info['exclusive'])) {
      if (empty($exclusive_profile)) {
        $exclusive_profile = $profile->name;
      else {
        // We found a second "exclusive" profile. There's no way to choose
        // between them, so we ignore the property.
  return $exclusive_profile;

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