function _drupal_theme_initialize

_drupal_theme_initialize($theme, $base_theme = array(), $registry_callback = '_theme_load_registry')

Initializes the theme system given already loaded information.

This function is useful to initialize a theme when no database is present.


$theme: An object with the following information: filename The .info file for this theme. The 'path' to the theme will be in this file's directory. (Required) owner The path to the .theme file or the .engine file to load for the theme. (Required) stylesheet The primary stylesheet for the theme. (Optional) engine The name of theme engine to use. (Optional)

$base_theme: An optional array of objects that represent the 'base theme' if the theme is meant to be derivative of another theme. It requires the same information as the $theme object. It should be in 'oldest first' order, meaning the top level of the chain will be first.

$registry_callback: The callback to invoke to set the theme registry.


includes/, line 141
The theme system, which controls the output of Drupal.


function _drupal_theme_initialize($theme, $base_theme = array(), $registry_callback = '_theme_load_registry') {
  global $theme_info, $base_theme_info, $theme_engine, $theme_path;
  $theme_info = $theme;
  $base_theme_info = $base_theme;

  $theme_path = dirname($theme->filename);

  // Prepare stylesheets from this theme as well as all ancestor themes.
  // We work it this way so that we can have child themes override parent
  // theme stylesheets easily.
  $final_stylesheets = array();

  // Grab stylesheets from base theme
  foreach ($base_theme as $base) {
    if (!empty($base->stylesheets)) {
      foreach ($base->stylesheets as $media => $stylesheets) {
        foreach ($stylesheets as $name => $stylesheet) {
          $final_stylesheets[$media][$name] = $stylesheet;

  // Add stylesheets used by this theme.
  if (!empty($theme->stylesheets)) {
    foreach ($theme->stylesheets as $media => $stylesheets) {
      foreach ($stylesheets as $name => $stylesheet) {
        $final_stylesheets[$media][$name] = $stylesheet;

  // And now add the stylesheets properly
  foreach ($final_stylesheets as $media => $stylesheets) {
    foreach ($stylesheets as $stylesheet) {
      drupal_add_css($stylesheet, array('group' => CSS_THEME, 'every_page' => TRUE, 'media' => $media));

  // Do basically the same as the above for scripts
  $final_scripts = array();

  // Grab scripts from base theme
  foreach ($base_theme as $base) {
    if (!empty($base->scripts)) {
      foreach ($base->scripts as $name => $script) {
        $final_scripts[$name] = $script;

  // Add scripts used by this theme.
  if (!empty($theme->scripts)) {
    foreach ($theme->scripts as $name => $script) {
      $final_scripts[$name] = $script;

  // Add scripts used by this theme.
  foreach ($final_scripts as $script) {
    drupal_add_js($script, array('group' => JS_THEME, 'every_page' => TRUE));

  $theme_engine = NULL;

  // Initialize the theme.
  if (isset($theme->engine)) {
    // Include the engine.
    include_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/' . $theme->owner;

    $theme_engine = $theme->engine;
    if (function_exists($theme_engine . '_init')) {
      foreach ($base_theme as $base) {
        call_user_func($theme_engine . '_init', $base);
      call_user_func($theme_engine . '_init', $theme);
  else {
    // include non-engine theme files
    foreach ($base_theme as $base) {
      // Include the theme file or the engine.
      if (!empty($base->owner)) {
        include_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/' . $base->owner;
    // and our theme gets one too.
    if (!empty($theme->owner)) {
      include_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/' . $theme->owner;

  if (isset($registry_callback)) {
    _theme_registry_callback($registry_callback, array($theme, $base_theme, $theme_engine));

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