drupal / 7.50 / includes-update.inc / 7.x.html /


Drupal database update API.

This file contains functions to perform database updates for a Drupal installation. It is included and used extensively by update.php.




Name Description
update_already_performed Determines if a module update has already been performed.
update_batch Starts the database update batch process.
update_build_dependency_graph Constructs a graph which encodes the dependencies between module updates.
update_check_incompatibility Tests the compatibility of a module or theme.
update_do_one Implements callback_batch_operation().
update_finished Implements callback_batch_finished().
update_fix_compatibility Disable any items in the {system} table that are not core compatible.
update_fix_d7_block_deltas A helper function that modules can use to assist with the transformation from numeric block deltas to string block deltas during the 6.x -> 7.x upgrade.
update_fix_d7_install_profile Register the currently installed profile in the system table.
update_fix_d7_requirements Perform Drupal 6.x to 7.x updates that are required for update.php to function properly.
update_get_d6_session_name Constructs a session name compatible with a D6 environment.
update_get_update_function_list Returns an organized list of update functions for a set of modules.
update_get_update_list Returns a list of all the pending database updates.
update_is_missing Determines if a module update is missing or unavailable.
update_parse_db_url Parse pre-Drupal 7 database connection URLs and return D7 compatible array.
update_prepare_d7_bootstrap Performs extra steps required to bootstrap when using a Drupal 6 database.
update_resolve_dependencies Resolves dependencies in a set of module updates, and orders them correctly.
update_retrieve_dependencies Invokes hook_update_dependencies() in all installed modules.


Name Description
REQUIRED_D6_SCHEMA_VERSION Minimum schema version of Drupal 6 required for upgrade to Drupal 7.


Name Description
DrupalUpdateException @class Exception class used to throw error if a module update fails.

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