drupal / 7.50 / includes-xmlrpc.inc / 7.x.html /


Drupal XML-RPC library.

Based on the IXR - The Incutio XML-RPC Library - (c) Incutio Ltd 2002-2005 Version 1.7 (beta) - Simon Willison, 23rd May 2005 Site: http://scripts.incutio.com/xmlrpc/ Manual: http://scripts.incutio.com/xmlrpc/manual.php This version is made available under the GNU GPL License




Name Description
xmlrpc_base64 Returns an XML-RPC base 64 object.
xmlrpc_base64_get_xml Converts an XML-RPC base 64 object into XML.
xmlrpc_clear_error Clears any previously-saved errors.
xmlrpc_date Converts a PHP or ISO date/time to an XML-RPC object.
xmlrpc_date_get_xml Converts an XML-RPC date-time object into XML.
xmlrpc_errno Returns the last XML-RPC client error number.
xmlrpc_error Generates, temporarily saves, and returns an XML-RPC error object.
xmlrpc_error_get_xml Converts an XML-RPC error object into XML.
xmlrpc_error_msg Returns the last XML-RPC client error message.
xmlrpc_message Constructs an object representing an XML-RPC message.
xmlrpc_message_cdata Handles character data for XML parsing in xmlrpc_message_parse().
xmlrpc_message_get Returns the most recently stored XML-RPC message object.
xmlrpc_message_parse Parses an XML-RPC message.
xmlrpc_message_set Stores a copy of the most recent XML-RPC message object temporarily.
xmlrpc_message_tag_close Handles closing tags for XML parsing in xmlrpc_message_parse().
xmlrpc_message_tag_open Handles opening tags for XML parsing in xmlrpc_message_parse().
xmlrpc_request Constructs an object representing an XML-RPC request.
xmlrpc_value Turns a data structure into objects with 'data' and 'type' attributes.
xmlrpc_value_calculate_type Maps a PHP type to an XML-RPC type.
xmlrpc_value_get_xml Generates XML representing the given value.
_xmlrpc Performs one or more XML-RPC requests.

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