function shortcut_set_switch_access

shortcut_set_switch_access($account = NULL)

Access callback for switching the shortcut set assigned to a user account.


object $account: (optional) The user account whose shortcuts will be switched. If not set, permissions will be checked for switching the logged-in user's own shortcut set.

Return value

TRUE if the current user has access to switch the shortcut set of the provided account, FALSE otherwise.


modules/shortcut/ shortcut.module, line 268
Allows users to manage customizable lists of shortcut links.


function shortcut_set_switch_access($account = NULL) {
  global $user;

  if (user_access('administer shortcuts')) {
    // Administrators can switch anyone's shortcut set.
    return TRUE;

  if (!user_access('switch shortcut sets')) {
    // The user has no permission to switch anyone's shortcut set.
    return FALSE;

  if (!isset($account) || $user->uid == $account->uid) {
    // Users with the 'switch shortcut sets' permission can switch their own
    // shortcuts sets.
    return TRUE;

  return FALSE;

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