function shortcut_set_title


Returns the sanitized title of a shortcut set.

Deprecated. This function was previously used as a menu item title callback but has been replaced by shortcut_set_title_callback() (which does not sanitize the title, since the menu system does that automatically). In Drupal 7, use that function for title callbacks, and call check_plain() directly if you need a sanitized title. In Drupal 8, this function will be restored as a title callback and therefore will no longer sanitize its output.


$shortcut_set: An object representing the shortcut set, as returned by shortcut_set_load().


modules/shortcut/ shortcut.module, line 752
Allows users to manage customizable lists of shortcut links.


function shortcut_set_title($shortcut_set) {
  return check_plain($shortcut_set->title);

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