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Logback Manual
The logback manual
和訳 (Japanese translation)The complete logback manual documents the latest version of logback framework. In over 150 pages and dozens of concrete examples, it covers both basic and advanced logback features, including:
the overall logback architecture
discussion of best logback practices and anti-patterns
logback configuration scripts in XML format
mapped diagnostic contexts
Joran, logback's configuration system
The logback manual describes the logback API in considerable detail, including its features and design rationale. Authored by Ceki Gülcü and Sébastien Pennec, the main contributors to the logback project, the logback manual is intended for developers already familiar with the Java language but new to logback, as much as for experienced logback users. With the aid of introductory material and many examples, new users should quickly come up to speed.
Without further ado, here are the contents of the manual: