pytorch / 2 / generated / torch.tensor.sparse_mask.html


Tensor.sparse_mask(mask) → Tensor

Returns a new sparse tensor with values from a strided tensor self filtered by the indices of the sparse tensor mask. The values of mask sparse tensor are ignored. self and mask tensors must have the same shape.


The returned sparse tensor might contain duplicate values if mask is not coalesced. It is therefore advisable to pass mask.coalesce() if such behavior is not desired.


The returned sparse tensor has the same indices as the sparse tensor mask, even when the corresponding values in self are zeros.


mask (Tensor) – a sparse tensor whose indices are used as a filter


>>> nse = 5
>>> dims = (5, 5, 2, 2)
>>> I =[torch.randint(0, dims[0], size=(nse,)),
...                torch.randint(0, dims[1], size=(nse,))], 0).reshape(2, nse)
>>> V = torch.randn(nse, dims[2], dims[3])
>>> S = torch.sparse_coo_tensor(I, V, dims).coalesce()
>>> D = torch.randn(dims)
>>> D.sparse_mask(S)
tensor(indices=tensor([[0, 0, 0, 2],
                       [0, 1, 4, 3]]),
       values=tensor([[[ 1.6550,  0.2397],
                       [-0.1611, -0.0779]],

                      [[ 0.2326, -1.0558],
                       [ 1.4711,  1.9678]],

                      [[-0.5138, -0.0411],
                       [ 1.9417,  0.5158]],

                      [[ 0.0793,  0.0036],
                       [-0.2569, -0.1055]]]),
       size=(5, 5, 2, 2), nnz=4, layout=torch.sparse_coo)

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