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Maybe Types

It’s common for JavaScript code to introduce “optional” values so that you have the option of leaving out the value or passing null instead.

Using Flow you can use Maybe types for these values. Maybe types work with any other type by simply prefixing it with a question mark ? such as ?number as a sort of modifier.

Maybe types accept the provided type as well as null or undefined. So ?number would mean number, null, or undefined.

// @flow
function acceptsMaybeNumber(value: ?number) {
  // ...

acceptsMaybeNumber(42);        // Works!
acceptsMaybeNumber();          // Works!
acceptsMaybeNumber(undefined); // Works!
acceptsMaybeNumber(null);      // Works!
acceptsMaybeNumber("42");      // Error!

In the case of objects, a missing property is not the same thing as an explicitly undefined property.

// @flow
function acceptsMaybeProp({ value }: { value: ?number }) {
  // ...

acceptsMaybeProp({ value: undefined }); // Works!
acceptsMaybeProp({});                   // Error!

If you want to allow missing properties, use optional property syntax, where the ? is placed before the colon. It is also possible to combine both syntaxes for an optional maybe type, for example { value?: ?number }.

Refining Maybe types

Imagine we have the type ?number, if we want to use that value as a number we’ll need to first check that it is not null or undefined.

// @flow
function acceptsMaybeNumber(value: ?number) {
  if (value !== null && value !== undefined) {
    return value * 2;

You can simplify the two checks against null and undefined using a single != null check which will do both.

// @flow
function acceptsMaybeNumber(value: ?number) {
  if (value != null) {
    return value * 2;

You could also flip it around, and check to make sure that the value has a type of number before using it.

// @flow
function acceptsMaybeNumber(value: ?number) {
  if (typeof value === 'number') {
    return value * 2;

However, type refinements can be lost. For instance, calling a function after refining the type of an object’s property will invalidate this refinement. Consult the Refinement Invalidations docs for more details, to understand why Flow works this way, and how you can avoid this common pitfall.

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