godot / 2.1.6 / classes / class_shape2d.html /


Inherits: Resource < Reference < Object

Inherited By: RayShape2D, CapsuleShape2D, LineShape2D, CircleShape2D, ConcavePolygonShape2D, ConvexPolygonShape2D, RectangleShape2D, SegmentShape2D

Category: Core

Brief Description

Base class for all 2D Shapes.

Member Functions

bool collide ( Matrix32 local_xform, Shape2D with_shape, Matrix32 shape_xform )
Variant collide_and_get_contacts ( Matrix32 local_xform, Shape2D with_shape, Matrix32 shape_xform )
bool collide_with_motion ( Matrix32 local_xform, Vector2 local_motion, Shape2D with_shape, Matrix32 shape_xform, Vector2 shape_motion )
Variant collide_with_motion_and_get_contacts ( Matrix32 local_xform, Vector2 local_motion, Shape2D with_shape, Matrix32 shape_xform, Vector2 shape_motion )
float get_custom_solver_bias ( ) const
void set_custom_solver_bias ( float bias )


Base class for all 2D Shapes. All 2D shape types inherit from this.

Member Function Description

bool collide ( Matrix32 local_xform, Shape2D with_shape, Matrix32 shape_xform )

Return whether this shape is colliding with another.

This method needs the transformation matrix for this shape (local_xform), the shape to check collisions with (with_shape), and the transformation matrix of that shape (shape_xform).

Variant collide_and_get_contacts ( Matrix32 local_xform, Shape2D with_shape, Matrix32 shape_xform )

Return a list of the points where this shape touches another. If there are no collisions, the list is empty.

This method needs the transformation matrix for this shape (local_xform), the shape to check collisions with (with_shape), and the transformation matrix of that shape (shape_xform).

bool collide_with_motion ( Matrix32 local_xform, Vector2 local_motion, Shape2D with_shape, Matrix32 shape_xform, Vector2 shape_motion )

Return whether this shape would collide with another, if a given movement was applied.

This method needs the transformation matrix for this shape (local_xform), the movement to test on this shape (local_motion), the shape to check collisions with (with_shape), the transformation matrix of that shape (shape_xform), and the movement to test onto the other object (shape_motion).

Variant collide_with_motion_and_get_contacts ( Matrix32 local_xform, Vector2 local_motion, Shape2D with_shape, Matrix32 shape_xform, Vector2 shape_motion )

Return a list of the points where this shape would touch another, if a given movement was applied. If there are no collisions, the list is empty.

This method needs the transformation matrix for this shape (local_xform), the movement to test on this shape (local_motion), the shape to check collisions with (with_shape), the transformation matrix of that shape (shape_xform), and the movement to test onto the other object (shape_motion).

float get_custom_solver_bias ( ) const

Return the custom solver bias.

void set_custom_solver_bias ( float bias )

Use a custom solver bias. No need to change this unless you really know what you are doing.

The solver bias is a factor controlling how much two objects “rebound” off each other, when colliding, to avoid them getting into each other because of numerical imprecision.

© 2014–2020 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur, Godot Engine contributors
Licensed under the MIT License.