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6.6.5. Generalised derived instances for newtypes

Since: 6.8.1. British spelling since 8.6.1.

Enable GHC’s cunning generalised deriving mechanism for newtypes

When you define an abstract type using newtype, you may want the new type to inherit some instances from its representation. In Haskell 98, you can inherit instances of Eq, Ord, Enum and Bounded by deriving them, but for any other classes you have to write an explicit instance declaration. For example, if you define

newtype Dollars = Dollars Int

and you want to use arithmetic on Dollars, you have to explicitly define an instance of Num:

instance Num Dollars where
  Dollars a + Dollars b = Dollars (a+b)

All the instance does is apply and remove the newtype constructor. It is particularly galling that, since the constructor doesn’t appear at run-time, this instance declaration defines a dictionary which is wholly equivalent to the Int dictionary, only slower!

DerivingVia (see Deriving via) is a generalization of this idea. Generalising the deriving clause

GHC now permits such instances to be derived instead, using the extension GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, so one can write

newtype Dollars = Dollars { getDollars :: Int } deriving (Eq,Show,Num)

and the implementation uses the same Num dictionary for Dollars as for Int. In other words, GHC will generate something that resembles the following code

instance Num Int => Num Dollars

and then attempt to simplify the Num Int context as much as possible. GHC knows that there is a Num Int instance in scope, so it is able to discharge the Num Int constraint, leaving the code that GHC actually generates

instance Num Dollars

One can think of this instance being implemented with the same code as the Num Int instance, but with Dollars and getDollars added wherever necessary in order to make it typecheck. (In practice, GHC uses a somewhat different approach to code generation. See the A more precise specification section below for more details.)

We can also derive instances of constructor classes in a similar way. For example, suppose we have implemented state and failure monad transformers, such that

instance Monad m => Monad (State s m)
instance Monad m => Monad (Failure m)

In Haskell 98, we can define a parsing monad by

type Parser tok m a = State [tok] (Failure m) a

which is automatically a monad thanks to the instance declarations above. With the extension, we can make the parser type abstract, without needing to write an instance of class Monad, via

newtype Parser tok m a = Parser (State [tok] (Failure m) a)
                       deriving Monad

In this case the derived instance declaration is of the form

instance Monad (State [tok] (Failure m)) => Monad (Parser tok m)

Notice that, since Monad is a constructor class, the instance is a partial application of the newtype, not the entire left hand side. We can imagine that the type declaration is “eta-converted” to generate the context of the instance declaration.

We can even derive instances of multi-parameter classes, provided the newtype is the last class parameter. In this case, a “partial application” of the class appears in the deriving clause. For example, given the class

class StateMonad s m | m -> s where ...
instance Monad m => StateMonad s (State s m) where ...

then we can derive an instance of StateMonad for Parser by

newtype Parser tok m a = Parser (State [tok] (Failure m) a)
                       deriving (Monad, StateMonad [tok])

The derived instance is obtained by completing the application of the class to the new type:

instance StateMonad [tok] (State [tok] (Failure m)) =>
         StateMonad [tok] (Parser tok m)

As a result of this extension, all derived instances in newtype declarations are treated uniformly (and implemented just by reusing the dictionary for the representation type), except Show and Read, which really behave differently for the newtype and its representation.


It is sometimes necessary to enable additional language extensions when deriving instances via GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving. For instance, consider a simple class and instance using UnboxedTuples syntax:

{-# LANGUAGE UnboxedTuples #-}

module Lib where

class AClass a where
  aMethod :: a -> (# Int, a #)

instance AClass Int where
  aMethod x = (# x, x #)

The following will fail with an “Illegal unboxed tuple” error, since the derived instance produced by the compiler makes use of unboxed tuple syntax,

{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}

import Lib

newtype Int' = Int' Int
             deriving (AClass)

However, enabling the UnboxedTuples extension allows the module to compile. Similar errors may occur with a variety of extensions, including: A more precise specification

A derived instance is derived only for declarations of these forms (after expansion of any type synonyms)

newtype T v1..vn                   = MkT (t vk+1..vn) deriving (C t1..tj)
newtype instance T s1..sk vk+1..vn = MkT (t vk+1..vn) deriving (C t1..tj)


  • v1..vn are type variables, and t, s1..sk, t1..tj are types.
  • The (C t1..tj) is a partial applications of the class C, where the arity of C is exactly j+1. That is, C lacks exactly one type argument.
  • k is chosen so that C t1..tj (T v1...vk) is well-kinded. (Or, in the case of a data instance, so that C t1..tj (T s1..sk) is well kinded.)
  • The type t is an arbitrary type.
  • The type variables vk+1...vn do not occur in the types t, s1..sk, or t1..tj.
  • C is not Read, Show, Typeable, or Data. These classes should not “look through” the type or its constructor. You can still derive these classes for a newtype, but it happens in the usual way, not via this new mechanism. Confer with Default deriving strategy.
  • It is safe to coerce each of the methods of C. That is, the missing last argument to C is not used at a nominal role in any of the C’s methods. (See Roles.)
  • C is allowed to have associated type families, provided they meet the requirements laid out in the section on GND and associated types.

Then the derived instance declaration is of the form

instance C t1..tj t => C t1..tj (T v1...vk)

Note that if C does not contain any class methods, the instance context is wholly unnecessary, and as such GHC will instead generate:

instance C t1..tj (T v1..vk)

As an example which does not work, consider

newtype NonMonad m s = NonMonad (State s m s) deriving Monad

Here we cannot derive the instance

instance Monad (State s m) => Monad (NonMonad m)

because the type variable s occurs in State s m, and so cannot be “eta-converted” away. It is a good thing that this deriving clause is rejected, because NonMonad m is not, in fact, a monad — for the same reason. Try defining >>= with the correct type: you won’t be able to.

Notice also that the order of class parameters becomes important, since we can only derive instances for the last one. If the StateMonad class above were instead defined as

class StateMonad m s | m -> s where ...

then we would not have been able to derive an instance for the Parser type above. We hypothesise that multi-parameter classes usually have one “main” parameter for which deriving new instances is most interesting.

Lastly, all of this applies only for classes other than Read, Show, Typeable, and Data, for which the stock derivation applies (section 4.3.3. of the Haskell Report). (For the standard classes Eq, Ord, Ix, and Bounded it is immaterial whether the stock method is used or the one described here.) Associated type families

GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving also works for some type classes with associated type families. Here is an example:

class HasRing a where
  type Ring a

newtype L1Norm a = L1Norm a
  deriving HasRing

The derived HasRing instance would look like

instance HasRing (L1Norm a) where
  type Ring (L1Norm a) = Ring a

To be precise, if the class being derived is of the form

class C c_1 c_2 ... c_m where
  type T1 t1_1 t1_2 ... t1_n
  type Tk tk_1 tk_2 ... tk_p

and the newtype is of the form

newtype N n_1 n_2 ... n_q = MkN <rep-type>

then you can derive a C c_1 c_2 ... c_(m-1) instance for N n_1 n_2 ... n_q, provided that:

  • The type parameter c_m occurs once in each of the type variables of T1 through Tk. Imagine a class where this condition didn’t hold. For example:

    class Bad a b where
      type B a
    instance Bad Int a where
      type B Int = Char
    newtype Foo a = Foo a
      deriving (Bad Int)

    For the derived Bad Int instance, GHC would need to generate something like this:

    instance Bad Int (Foo a) where
      type B Int = B ???

    Now we’re stuck, since we have no way to refer to a on the right-hand side of the B family instance, so this instance doesn’t really make sense in a GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving setting.

  • C does not have any associated data families (only type families). To see why data families are forbidden, imagine the following scenario:

    class Ex a where
      data D a
    instance Ex Int where
      data D Int = DInt Bool
    newtype Age = MkAge Int deriving Ex

    For the derived Ex instance, GHC would need to generate something like this:

    instance Ex Age where
      data D Age = ???

    But it is not clear what GHC would fill in for ???, as each data family instance must generate fresh data constructors.

If both of these conditions are met, GHC will generate this instance:

instance C c_1 c_2 ... c_(m-1) <rep-type> =>
         C c_1 c_2 ... c_(m-1) (N n_1 n_2 ... n_q) where
  type T1 t1_1 t1_2 ... (N n_1 n_2 ... n_q) ... t1_n
     = T1 t1_1 t1_2 ... <rep-type>          ... t1_n
  type Tk tk_1 tk_2 ... (N n_1 n_2 ... n_q) ... tk_p
     = Tk tk_1 tk_2 ... <rep-type>          ... tk_p

Again, if C contains no class methods, the instance context will be redundant, so GHC will instead generate instance C c_1 c_2 ... c_(m-1) (N n_1 n_2 ... n_q).

Beware that in some cases, you may need to enable the UndecidableInstances extension in order to use this feature. Here’s a pathological case that illustrates why this might happen:

class C a where
  type T a

newtype Loop = MkLoop Loop
  deriving C

This will generate the derived instance:

instance C Loop where
  type T Loop = T Loop

Here, it is evident that attempting to use the type T Loop will throw the typechecker into an infinite loop, as its definition recurses endlessly. In other cases, you might need to enable UndecidableInstances even if the generated code won’t put the typechecker into a loop. For example:

instance C Int where
  type C Int = Int

newtype MyInt = MyInt Int
  deriving C

This will generate the derived instance:

instance C MyInt where
  type T MyInt = T Int

Although typechecking T MyInt will terminate, GHC’s termination checker isn’t sophisticated enough to determine this, so you’ll need to enable UndecidableInstances in order to use this derived instance. If you do go down this route, make sure you can convince yourself that all of the type family instances you’re deriving will eventually terminate if used!

Note that DerivingVia (see Deriving via) uses essentially the same specification to derive instances of associated type families as well (except that it uses the via type instead of the underlying rep-type of a newtype).

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