marionette / 4 / installation.html

Installing Marionette

As with all JavaScript libraries, there are a number of ways to get started with a Marionette application. In this section we'll cover the most common ways. While some integrations are listed here, more resources are available in the integrations repo: marionette-integrations

Documentation Index

Quick start using NPM and Webpack

NPM is the package manager for JavaScript.

Installing with NPM through command-line interface

npm install backbone.marionette

Webpack is a build tool that makes it easy to pull your dependencies together into a single bundle to be delivered to your browser's <script> tag. It works particularly well with Marionette and jQuery.

Here we prepared simple marionettejs skeleton with Webpack.

Quick start using NPM and Brunch

Brunch is fast front-end web app build tool with simple declarative config, seamless incremental compilation for rapid development, an opinionated pipeline and workflow, and core support for source maps.

Here we prepared simple marionettejs skeleton with Brunch.

Quick start using NPM and Browserify

Browserify is a build tool that makes it easy to bundle NPM modules into your application, so you can require them as you would import dependencies in any other language.

Here we prepared simple marionettejs skeleton with Browserify.

Browserify and Grunt

Grunt is task runner. Here is simple Browserify + Grunt skeleton.

Browserify and Gulp

Gulp is streaming build system. Here is simple Browserify + Gulp skeleton.

Getting Started

After installing Marionette you might want to check out the basics.

Continue Reading....

Additionally check out features for some configurable options.

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Licensed under the MIT License.