opentsdb / 2.3.0 / api_http / tree / rule.html /


Each rule in a tree is an individual object in storage, thus the /api/tree/rule endpoint allows for easy modification of a single rule in the set. Rules are addressed by their tree ID, level and order and all requests require these three parameters.


If a manual tree synchronization is running somewhere or there is a large number of TSMeta objects being created or edited, the tree rule may be cached and modifications to a tree's rule set may take some time to propagate. If you make any modifications to the rule set, other than to meta information such as the description and notes, you may want to flush the tree data and perform a manual synchronization so that branches and leaves reflect the new rules.


  • GET - Retrieve one or more rules
  • POST - Create or modify a rule
  • PUT - Create or replace a rule
  • DELETE - Delete a rule


The following fields can be used for all rule endpoint requests:

Name Data Type Required Description Default QS RW Example
treeId Integer Required The tree the requested rule belongs to treeid RO 1
level Integer Required The level in the rule heirarchy where the rule resides. Must be 0 or greater. 0 level RW 2
order Integer Required The order within a level where the rule resides. Must be 0 or greater. 0 order RW 1
description String Optional A brief description of the rule's purpose description RW Split the metric by dot
notes String Optional Detailed notes about the rule notes RW
type String Required* The type of rule represented. See Trees. *Required when creating a new rule. type RW METRIC
field String Optional The name of a field for the rule to operate on field RW host
customField String Optional The name of a TSMeta custom field for the rule to operate on. Note that the field value must also be configured or an exception will be raised. custom_field RW owner
regex String Optional A regular expression pattern to process the associated field or custom field value through. regex RW ^.*\.([a-zA-Z]{3,4})[0-9]{0,1}\..*\..*$
separator String Optional If the field value should be split into multiple branches, provide the separation character. separator RW \.
regexGroupIdx Integer Optional A group index for extracting a portion of a pattern from the given regular expression pattern. Must be 0 or greater. 0 regex_group_idx RW 1
displayFormat String Optional A display format string to alter the display_name value of the resulting branch or leaf. See Trees display_format RW Port: {ovalue}


When supplying a separator or a regex value, you must supply a valid regular expression. For separators, the most common use is to split dotted metrics into branches. E.g. you may want "sys.cpu.0.user" to be split into "sys", "cpu", "0" and "user" branches. You cannot supply just a "." for the separator value as that will not match properly. Instead, escape the period via ".". Note that if you are supplying JSON via a POST request, you must escape the backslash as well and supply "\.". GET request responses will escape all backslashes.


A successful response to a GET, POST or PUT request will return the full rule object with optional requested changes. Successful DELETE calls will return with a 204 status code and no body content. When modifying data, if no changes were present, i.e. the call did not provide any data to store, the resposne will be a 304 without any body content. If the requested tree or rule did not exist in the system, a 404 will be returned with an error message. If invalid data was supplied a 400 error will be returned.


A GET request requires a specific tree ID, rule level and order. Otherwise a 400 will be returned. To fetch all of the rules for a tree, use the /api/tree endpoint with a ``treeId' value.

Example GET Query


Example Response

  "type": "METRIC",
  "field": "",
  "regex": "",
  "separator": "\\.",
  "description": "Split the metric on periods",
  "notes": "",
  "level": 1,
  "order": 0,
  "treeId": 1,
  "customField": "",
  "regexGroupIdx": 0,
  "displayFormat": ""


Using the POST or PUT methods, you can create a new rule or edit an existing rule. New rules require a type value. Existing trees require a valid treeId ID and any fields that require modification. A successful request will return the modified rule object. Note that if a rule exists at the given level and order, any changes will be merged with or overwrite the existing rule.

Example Query String Request


Example Content Request

  "type": "METRIC",
  "separator": "\\.",
  "description": "Split the metric on periods",
  "level": 1,
  "order": 0,
  "treeId": 1

Example Response

  "type": "METRIC",
  "field": "",
  "regex": "",
  "separator": "\\.",
  "description": "Split the metric on periods",
  "notes": "",
  "level": 1,
  "order": 0,
  "treeId": 1,
  "customField": "",
  "regexGroupIdx": 0,
  "displayFormat": ""


Using the DELETE method will remove a rule from a tree. A successful deletion will respond with a 204 status code and no content body. If the rule did not exist, a 404 error will be returned.


This method cannot be undone.

Example DELETE Request


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