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pandas.plotting. andrews_curves ( frame, class_column, ax=None, samples=200, color=None, colormap=None, **kwargs ) [source]

Generate a matplotlib plot of Andrews curves, for visualising clusters of multivariate data.

Andrews curves have the functional form:

f(t) = x_1/sqrt(2) + x_2 sin(t) + x_3 cos(t) +

x_4 sin(2t) + x_5 cos(2t) + …

Where x coefficients correspond to the values of each dimension and t is linearly spaced between -pi and +pi. Each row of frame then corresponds to a single curve.

frame :DataFrame

Data to be plotted, preferably normalized to (0.0, 1.0).

class_column :Name of the column containing class names
ax :matplotlib axes object, default None
samples :Number of points to plot in each curve
color :list or tuple, optional

Colors to use for the different classes.

colormap :str or matplotlib colormap object, default None

Colormap to select colors from. If string, load colormap with that name from matplotlib.


Options to pass to matplotlib plotting method.

class: matplotlip.axis.Axes


>>> df = pd.read_csv(
...     ''
...     'pandas/main/pandas/tests/io/data/csv/iris.csv'
... )
>>> pd.plotting.andrews_curves(df, 'Name')

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