phalcon / 2.0.13 / api / phalcon_mvc_collection_document.html /

Class Phalcon\Mvc\Collection\Document

implements ArrayAccess

This component allows Phalcon\Mvc\Collection to return rows without an associated entity. This objects implements the ArrayAccess interface to allow access the object as object->x or array[x].


public boolean offsetExists (int $index)

Checks whether an offset exists in the document

public mixed offsetGet (string $index)

Returns the value of a field using the ArrayAccess interfase

public offsetSet (string $index, Phalcon\Mvc\ModelInterface $value)

Change a value using the ArrayAccess interface

public offsetUnset (string $offset)

Rows cannot be changed. It has only been implemented to meet the definition of the ArrayAccess interface

public mixed readAttribute (string $attribute)

Reads an attribute value by its name

echo $robot->readAttribute('name');

public writeAttribute (string $attribute, mixed $value)

Writes an attribute value by its name

$robot->writeAttribute('name', 'Rosey');

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