point_cloud_library / latest / group__recognition.html

Detailed Description


The PCL recognition module contains algorithms used for Object Recognition applications.



class pcl::CorrespondenceGrouping< PointModelT, PointSceneT >
Abstract base class for Correspondence Grouping algorithms. More...
class pcl::GeometricConsistencyGrouping< PointModelT, PointSceneT >
Class implementing a 3D correspondence grouping enforcing geometric consistency among feature correspondences. More...
class pcl::recognition::HoughSpace3D
HoughSpace3D is a 3D voting space. More...
class pcl::Hough3DGrouping< PointModelT, PointSceneT, PointModelRfT, PointSceneRfT >
Class implementing a 3D correspondence grouping algorithm that can deal with multiple instances of a model template found into a given scene. More...
class pcl::CRHAlignment< PointT, nbins_ >
CRHAlignment uses two Camera Roll Histograms (CRH) to find the roll rotation that aligns both views. More...
class pcl::GlobalHypothesesVerification< ModelT, SceneT >
A hypothesis verification method proposed in "A Global Hypotheses Verification Method for 3D Object Recognition", A. More...
class pcl::PapazovHV< ModelT, SceneT >
A hypothesis verification method proposed in "An Efficient RANSAC for 3D Object Recognition in Noisy and Occluded Scenes", C. More...
class pcl::ism::ImplicitShapeModelEstimation< FeatureSize, PointT, NormalT >
This class implements Implicit Shape Model algorithm described in "Hough Transforms and 3D SURF for robust three dimensional classication" by Jan Knopp1, Mukta Prasad, Geert Willems1, Radu Timofte, and Luc Van Gool. More...
class pcl::LINEMOD
Template matching using the LINEMOD approach. More...
class pcl::QuantizableModality
Interface for a quantizable modality. More...
class pcl::recognition::ObjRecRANSAC
This is a RANSAC-based 3D object recognition method. More...
class pcl::recognition::ORROctree
That's a very specialized and simple octree class. More...
class pcl::recognition::RotationSpace
This is a class for a discrete representation of the rotation space based on the axis-angle representation. More...
class pcl::SurfaceNormalModality< PointInT >
Modality based on surface normals. More...

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© 2012–, Open Perception, Inc.
Licensed under the BSD License.