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Options package
The Options package provides support for parsing command line arguments.
Deprectation warning
This package is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Use the cli package instead.
Example program
use "options"
actor Main
let _env: Env
// Some values we can set via command line options
var _a_string: String = "default"
var _a_number: USize = 0
var _a_unumber: USize = 0
var _a_float: Float = F64(0.0)
new create(env: Env) =>
_env = env
_env.out.print("The String is " + _a_string)
_env.out.print("The Number is " + _a_number.string())
_env.out.print("The UNumber is " + _a_unumber.string())
_env.out.print("The Float is " + _a_float.string())
fun ref arguments() ? =>
var options = Options(_env.args)
.add("string", "t", StringArgument)
.add("number", "i", I64Argument)
.add("unumber", "u", U64Argument)
.add("float", "c", F64Argument)
for option in options do
match option
| ("string", let arg: String) => _a_string = arg
| ("number", let arg: I64) => _a_number = arg.usize()
| ("unumber", let arg: U64) => _a_unumber = arg.usize()
| ("float", let arg: F64) => _a_float = arg
| let err: ParseError => err.report(_env.out) ; usage() ; error
fun ref usage() =>
// this exists inside a doc-string to create the docs you are reading
// in real code, we would use a single string literal for this but
// docstrings are themselves string literals and you can't put a
// string literal in a string literal. That would lead to total
// protonic reversal. In your own code, use a string literal instead
// of string concatenation for this.
"program [OPTIONS]\n" +
" --string N a string argument. Defaults to 'default'.\n" +
" --number N a number argument. Defaults to 0.\n" +
" --unumber N a unsigned number argument. Defaults to 0.\n" +
" --float N a floating point argument. Defaults to 0.0.\n"
Public Types
- primitive StringArgument
- primitive I64Argument
- primitive U64Argument
- primitive F64Argument
- primitive Required
- primitive Optional
- primitive UnrecognisedOption
- primitive AmbiguousMatch
- primitive MissingArgument
- primitive InvalidArgument
- type ArgumentType
- type ErrorReason
- type ParsedOption
- interface ParseError
- class Options
- primitive EnvVars
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© 2014-2015, Causality Ltd.
Licensed under the BSD 2-Clause License.