terraform / 0.11.7 / providers / triton / d / triton_fabric_vlan.html /


The triton_fabric_vlan data source queries Triton for Fabric VLAN information (e.g., VLAN ID, etc.) based either on the name, VLAN ID or description of the Fabric VLAN.

Example Usages

Find the VLAN ID using the name of the Fabric VLAN as a search filter:

# Declare the data source.
data "triton_fabric_vlan" "public" {
  name = "Public-VLAN-Production"

# Access unique VLAN ID using output from the data source.
output "public_vlan_id" {
  value = "${data.triton_fabric_vlan.public.vlan_id}"

Find the VLAN ID using name (with a wildcard match) and description of the Fabric VLAN as a search filters:

# Declare the data source, and use a combination of two arguments
# to form a search filter. Use a wildcard match for the name.
data "triton_fabric_vlan" "private_database_vlan" {
  name        = "Private-VLAN-*"
  description = "A secure VLAN for production database servers"

# Access unique VLAN ID using output from the data source.
output "private_database_vlan_id" {
  value = "${data.triton_fabric_vlan.private_database_vlan.vlan_id}"

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • name - (string) Optional. The name of the Fabric VLAN.

  • vlan_id - (integer) Optional. The unique identifier (VLAN ID) of the Fabric VLAN.

  • description - (string) Optional. The description of the Fabric VLAN.

Attribute Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • name - (string) The name of the Fabric VLAN, if any.

  • vlan_id - (integer) The unique identifier (VLAN ID) of the Fabric VLAN.

  • description - (string) The description of the Fabric VLAN, if any.

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