vagrant / 2.2.0 / other / debugging.html /


As much as we try to keep Vagrant stable and bug free, it is inevitable that issues will arise and Vagrant will behave in unexpected ways.

When using these support channels, it is generally helpful to include debugging logs along with any error reports. These logs can often help you troubleshoot any problems you may be having.

To enable detailed logging, set the VAGRANT_LOG environmental variable to the desired log level name, which is one of debug (loud), info (normal), warn (quiet), and error (very quiet). When asking for support, please set this to debug. When troubleshooting your own issues, you should start with info, which is much quieter, but contains important information about the behavior of Vagrant.

On Linux and Mac systems, this can be done by prepending the vagrant command with an environmental variable declaration:

$ VAGRANT_LOG=info vagrant up

On Windows, multiple steps are required:

$ set VAGRANT_LOG=info
$ vagrant up

You can also get the debug level output using the --debug command line option. For example:

$ vagrant up --debug

On Linux and Mac, if you are saving the output to a file, you may need to redirect stderr and stdout using &>:

$ vagrant up --debug &> vagrant.log

On Windows in PowerShell (outputs to log and screen):

$ vagrant up --debug 2>&1 | Tee-Object -FilePath ".\vagrant.log"

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