class FileCache

Allows to cache data based on file modification dates.



core/lib/Drupal/Component/FileCache/ FileCache.php, line 8




Name Modifiers Type Description
FileCache::$cache protected property The cache backend backing this FileCache object.
FileCache::$cached protected static property Static cache that contains already loaded cache entries.
FileCache::$collection protected property The collection identifier of this cache.
FileCache::$prefix protected property Prefix that is used for cache entries.
FileCache::delete public function Deletes data from the cache. Overrides FileCacheInterface::delete
FileCache::get public function Gets data based on a filename. Overrides FileCacheInterface::get
FileCache::getMultiple public function Gets data based on filenames. Overrides FileCacheInterface::getMultiple
FileCache::reset public static function Resets the static cache.
FileCache::set public function Stores data based on a filename. Overrides FileCacheInterface::set
FileCache::__construct public function Constructs a FileCache object.

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